module Docs class Rails < Rdoc # Instructions: # 1. Download a release at # 2. Open "railties/lib/rails/api/task.rb" and comment out any code related to sdoc ("configure_sdoc") # 3. Run "bundle install --without db && bundle exec rake rdoc" (in the Rails directory) # 4. Run "cd guides && bundle exec rake guides:generate:html" # 5. Copy the "guides/output" directory to "html/guides" # 6. Copy the "html" directory to "docs/rails~[version]" include FixInternalUrlsBehavior = 'Ruby on Rails' self.slug = 'rails' self.initial_paths = %w(guides/index.html) self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.replace 'rdoc/entries', 'rails/entries' html_filters.push 'rails/clean_html_guides' options[:skip_rdoc_filters?] = ->(filter) { filter.slug.start_with?('guides/') } options[:root_title] = 'Ruby on Rails' options[:skip] += %w( guides/credits.html guides/ruby_on_rails_guides_guidelines.html guides/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.html guides/development_dependencies_install.html guides/api_documentation_guidelines.html ActionController/Instrumentation.html ActionController/Rendering.html ActionDispatch/DebugExceptions.html ActionDispatch/Journey/Parser.html ActionDispatch/Reloader.html ActionDispatch/Routing/HtmlTableFormatter.html ActionDispatch/ShowExceptions.html ActionView/FixtureResolver.html ActionView/LogSubscriber.html ActionView/TestCase/Behavior/RenderedViewsCollection.html ActiveRecord/Tasks/DatabaseTasks.html ActiveSupport/Dependencies/WatchStack.html ActiveSupport/Notifications/Fanout.html) # False positives found by docs:generate options[:skip].concat %w( ActionDispatch/ ActionDispatch/Http/ ActionDispatch/Http/ 'TZ' active_record_migrations.html association_basics.html) options[:skip_patterns] += [ /release_notes/, /\AActionController\/Testing/, /\AActionView\/LookupContext/, /\AActionView\/Resolver/, /\AActiveSupport\/Multibyte\/Unicode\//, /\AActiveSupport\/XML/i, /\ASourceAnnotationExtractor/, /\AI18n\/Railtie/, /\AMinitest/, /\ARails\/API/, /\ARails\/AppBuilder/, /\ARails\/PluginBuilder/, /\ARails\/Generators\/Testing/] options[:attribution] = ->(filter) do if filter.slug.start_with?('guides') <<-HTML © 2004–2021 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. HTML else <<-HTML © 2004–2021 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License. HTML end end version '7.0' do self.release = '7.0.0' end version '6.1' do self.release = '6.1.4' end version '6.0' do self.release = '6.0.4' end version '5.2' do self.release = '5.2.6' end version '5.1' do self.release = '5.1.7' end version '5.0' do self.release = '5.0.7' end version '4.2' do self.release = '4.2.11' end version '4.1' do self.release = '4.1.16' end def get_latest_version(opts) doc = fetch_doc('', opts) doc.at_css('.version p a').content.scan(/\d\.\d*\.*\d*\.*\d*/)[0] end end end