class app.views.Content extends app.View @el: '._content' @loadingClass: '_content-loading' @events: click: 'onClick' @shortcuts: altUp: 'scrollStepUp' altDown: 'scrollStepDown' pageUp: 'scrollPageUp' pageDown: 'scrollPageDown' pageTop: 'scrollToTop' pageBottom: 'scrollToBottom' altF: 'onAltF' @routes: before: 'beforeRoute' after: 'afterRoute' init: -> @scrollEl = if app.isMobile() then document.body else @el @scrollMap = {} @scrollStack = [] @rootPage = new app.views.RootPage @staticPage = new app.views.StaticPage @settingsPage = new app.views.SettingsPage @offlinePage = new app.views.OfflinePage @typePage = new app.views.TypePage @entryPage = new app.views.EntryPage @entryPage .on 'loading', @onEntryLoading .on 'loaded', @onEntryLoaded app .on 'ready', @onReady .on 'bootError', @onBootError return show: (view) -> @hideLoading() unless view is @view @view?.deactivate() @html @view = view @view.activate() return showLoading: -> @addClass @constructor.loadingClass return isLoading: -> @el.classList.contains @constructor.loadingClass hideLoading: -> @removeClass @constructor.loadingClass return scrollTo: (value) -> @scrollEl.scrollTop = value or 0 return smoothScrollTo: (value) -> $.smoothScroll @scrollEl, value or 0 return scrollBy: (n) -> @smoothScrollTo @scrollEl.scrollTop + n return scrollToTop: => @smoothScrollTo 0 return scrollToBottom: => @smoothScrollTo @scrollEl.scrollHeight return scrollStepUp: => @scrollBy -80 return scrollStepDown: => @scrollBy 80 return scrollPageUp: => @scrollBy 40 - @scrollEl.clientHeight return scrollPageDown: => @scrollBy @scrollEl.clientHeight - 40 return scrollToTarget: -> return if @isLoading() if @routeCtx.hash and el = @findTargetByHash @routeCtx.hash $.scrollToWithImageLock el, @scrollEl, 'top', margin: 20 + if @scrollEl is @el then 0 else $.offset(@el).top $.highlight el, className: '_highlight' else @scrollTo @scrollMap[] clearTimeout @scrollTimeout return onReady: => @hideLoading() return onBootError: => @hideLoading() @html @tmpl('bootError') return onEntryLoading: => @showLoading() return onEntryLoaded: => @hideLoading() @scrollToTarget() return beforeRoute: (context) => @cacheScrollPosition() @routeCtx = context @scrollTimeout = @delay @scrollToTarget return cacheScrollPosition: -> return if not @routeCtx or @routeCtx.hash unless @scrollMap[]? @scrollStack.push while @scrollStack.length > app.config.history_cache_size delete @scrollMap[@scrollStack.shift()] @scrollMap[] = @scrollEl.scrollTop return afterRoute: (route, context) => switch route when 'root' @show @rootPage when 'entry' @show @entryPage when 'type' @show @typePage when 'settings' @show @settingsPage when 'offline' @show @offlinePage else @show @staticPage @view.onRoute(context) app.document.setTitle @view.getTitle?() return onClick: (event) => link = $.closestLink, @el if link and @isExternalUrl link.getAttribute('href') $.stopEvent(event) $.popup(link) return onAltF: (event) => unless document.activeElement and $.hasChild @el, document.activeElement @find('a:not(:empty)')?.focus() $.stopEvent(event) findTargetByHash: (hash) -> el = try $.id decodeURIComponent(hash) catch el or= try $.id(hash) catch el isExternalUrl: (url) -> url?[0..5] in ['http:/', 'https:']