# App

_init = app.init
app.init = ->
  console.time 'Init'
  console.timeEnd 'Init'
  console.time 'Load'

_start = app.start
app.start = ->
  _start.call(app, arguments...)
  console.timeEnd 'Load'

_super = app.Searcher
_proto = app.Searcher.prototype

# Searcher

app.Searcher = ->
  _super.apply @, arguments

  _setup = @setup.bind(@)
  @setup = ->
    console.groupCollapsed "Search: #{@query}"
    console.time 'Total'

  _match = @match.bind(@)
  @match = =>
    if @matcher
      console.timeEnd @matcher
    if @matcher is 'exactMatch'
      for entries, score in @scoreMap by -1 when entries
        console.log '' + score + ': ' + entries.map((entry) -> entry.text).join("\n    ")

  _setupMatcher = @setupMatcher.bind(@)
  @setupMatcher = ->
    console.time @matcher

  _end = @end.bind(@)
  @end = ->
    console.log "Results: #{@totalResults}"
    console.timeEnd 'Total'

  _kill = @kill.bind(@)
  @kill = ->
    if @timeout
      console.timeEnd @matcher if @matcher
      console.timeEnd 'Total'
      console.warn 'Killed'


_proto.constructor = app.Searcher
app.Searcher.prototype = _proto

# View tree

@viewTree = (view = app.document, level = 0) ->
  console.log "%c #{Array(level + 1).join('  ')}#{view.constructor.name}: #{view.activated}",
              'color:' + (view.activated and 'green' or 'red')

  for key, value of view when key isnt 'view' and value
    if typeof value is 'object' and value.setupElement
      @viewTree(value, level + 1)
    else if value.constructor.toString().match(/Object\(\)/)
      @viewTree(v, level + 1) for k, v of value when value and typeof value is 'object' and value.setupElement