module Docs class Crystal < UrlScraper include MultipleBaseUrls self.type = 'crystal' self.release = '1.14.0' self.base_urls = [ "{release}/", "{release[0..2]}/", ] def initial_urls [ "{self.class.release}/index.html", "{self.class.release[0..2]}/index.html" ] end self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.push 'crystal/entries', 'crystal/clean_html' options[:skip_patterns] = [ %r{\ACrystal/System/}, %r{\AIO/Evented.html\z}, %r{\ARegex/PCRE2.html\z} ] options[:attribution] = ->(filter) { if filter.current_url.path.start_with?('/reference/') <<-HTML To the extent possible under law, the persons who contributed to this work have waived<br>all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work by associating CC0 with it. HTML else <<-HTML © 2012–2024 Manas Technology Solutions.<br> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. HTML end } def get_latest_version(opts) doc = fetch_doc('', opts) doc.at_css('.latest-release-info > a > strong').content.scan(/([0-9.]+)/)[0][0] end end end