[ [ "2016-07-03", "New documentations: <a href=\"/cmake/\">CMake</a> and <a href=\"/matplotlib/\">Matplotlib</a>" ], [ "2016-06-19", "New documentation: <a href=\"/love/\">LÖVE</a>" ], [ "2016-06-12", "New documentation: <a href=\"/angular/\">Angular 2</a>" ], [ "2016-06-05", "New documentations: <a href=\"/kotlin/\">Kotlin</a> and <a href=\"/padrino/\">Padrino</a>" ], [ "2016-04-24", "New documentations: <a href=\"/numpy/\">NumPy</a> and <a href=\"/apache_pig/\">Apache Pig</a>" ], [ "2016-04-17", "New documentation: <a href=\"/perl/\">Perl</a>" ], [ "2016-04-10", "New documentations: <a href=\"/browser_support_tables/\">Support tables (caniuse.com)</a>, <a href=\"/gcc/\">GCC</a> and <a href=\"/gnu_fortran/\">GNU Fortran</a>" ], [ "2016-03-27", "New documentation: <a href=\"/typescript/\">TypeScript</a>" ], [ "2016-03-06", "New documentations: <a href=\"/tensorflow/\">TensorFlow</a>, <a href=\"/haxe/\">Haxe</a> and <a href=\"/ansible/\">Ansible</a>" ], [ "2016-02-28", "New documentations: <a href=\"/codeigniter/\">CodeIgniter</a>, <a href=\"/nginx_lua_module/\">nginx Lua Module</a> and <a href=\"/influxdata/\">InfluxData</a>" ], [ "2016-02-15", "New documentations: <a href=\"/cakephp/\">CakePHP</a>, <a href=\"/chef/\">Chef</a> and <a href=\"/ramda/\">Ramda</a>" ], [ "2016-01-31", "New documentations: <a href=\"/erlang/\">Erlang</a> and <a href=\"/tcl_tk/\">Tcl/Tk</a>" ], [ "2016-01-24", "“Multi-version support” has landed!\nClick <a href=\"#\" data-pick-docs>Select documentation</a> to pick which versions to use. More versions will be added in the coming weeks.\nIf you notice any bugs, please report them on <a href=\"https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/issues\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub</a>." ], [ "2015-11-22", "New documentations: <a href=\"/phoenix/\">Phoenix</a>, <a href=\"/dojo/\">Dojo</a>, <a href=\"/relay/\">Relay</a> and <a href=\"/flow/\">Flow</a>" ], [ "2015-11-08", "New documentations: <a href=\"/elixir/\">Elixir</a> and <a href=\"/vagrant/\">Vagrant</a>" ], [ "2015-10-18", "Added a \"Copy to clipboard\" button inside each code block." ], [ "2015-09-13", "New documentation: <a href=\"/phalcon/\">Phalcon</a>" ], [ "2015-08-09", "New documentation: <a href=\"/react_native/\">React Native</a>" ], [ "2015-08-03", "Added an icon in the sidebar to constrain the width of the UI (visible when applicable)." ], [ "2015-08-02", "New documentations: <a href=\"/q/\">Q</a> and <a href=\"/opentsdb/\">OpenTSDB</a>" ], [ "2015-07-26", "Added search abbreviations (e.g. <code class=\"_label\">$</code> is an alias for <code class=\"_label\">jQuery</code>).\n<a href=\"/help#abbreviations\">Click here</a> to see the full list. Feel free to suggest more on <a href=\"https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/issues/new\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub</a>.", "Added <code class=\"_label\">shift + ↓/↑</code> shortcut for scrolling (same as <code class=\"_label\">alt + ↓/↑</code>)." ], [ "2015-07-12", "New sponsors: <a href=\"http://out.devdocs.io/s/jetbrains\">JetBrains</a> and <a href=\"http://out.devdocs.io/s/code-school\">Code School</a>\nIf you like DevDocs, please take a moment to check out their products — they're awesome!" ], [ "2015-07-05", "New documentations: <a href=\"/drupal/\">Drupal</a>, <a href=\"/vue/\">Vue.js</a>, <a href=\"/phaser/\">Phaser</a> and <a href=\"/webpack/\">webpack</a>" ], [ "2015-05-24", "New <a href=\"/rust/\">Rust</a> documentation" ], [ "2015-04-26", "New <a href=\"/apache_http_server/\">Apache HTTP Server</a> and <a href=\"/npm/\">npm</a> documentations" ], [ "2015-03-22", "New <a href=\"/meteor/\">Meteor</a> and <a href=\"/mocha/\">mocha</a> documentations" ], [ "2015-02-22", "Improved <a href=\"/http/\">HTTP</a> documentation", "New <a href=\"/minitest/\">Minitest</a> documentation" ], [ "2015-02-16", "The sidebar is now resizable (drag & drop)." ], [ "2015-02-15", "New <a href=\"/iojs/\">io.js</a>, <a href=\"/symfony/\">Symfony</a>, <a href=\"/clojure/\">Clojure</a>, <a href=\"/lua/\">Lua</a> and <a href=\"/yii1/\">Yii 1.1</a> documentations" ], [ "2015-02-08", "New dark theme\nClick the icon in the bottom left corner to activate.\n<a href=\"https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Feedback</a> welcome :)" ], [ "2015-01-13", "<a href=\"/offline\">Offline mode</a> has landed!\nIf you notice any bugs, please report them on <a href=\"https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/issues\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub</a>." ], [ "2014-12-21", "New <a href=\"/react/\">React</a>, <a href=\"/rethinkdb/\">RethinkDB</a>, <a href=\"/socketio/\">Socket.IO</a>, <a href=\"/modernizr/\">Modernizr</a> and <a href=\"/bower/\">Bower</a> documentations" ], [ "2014-11-30", "New <a href=\"/phpunit/\">PHPUnit</a> and <a href=\"/nokogiri/\">Nokogiri</a> documentations" ], [ "2014-11-16", "New <a href=\"/python2/\">Python 2</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-11-09", "New design\nFeedback welcome on <a href=\"https://twitter.com/DevDocs\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter</a> and <a href=\"https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub</a>." ], [ "2014-10-19", "New <a href=\"/svg/\">SVG</a>, <a href=\"/marionette/\">Marionette.js</a>, and <a href=\"/mongoose/\">Mongoose</a> documentations" ], [ "2014-10-18", "New <a href=\"/nginx/\">nginx</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-10-13", "New <a href=\"/xpath/\">XPath</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-09-07", "Updated the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and DOM documentations with additional content." ], [ "2014-08-04", "New <a href=\"/django/\">Django</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-07-27", "New <a href=\"/markdown/\">Markdown</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-07-05", "New <a href=\"/cordova/\">Cordova</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-07-01", "New <a href=\"/chai/\">Chai</a> and <a href=\"/sinon/\">Sinon</a> documentations" ], [ "2014-06-15", "New <a href=\"/requirejs/\">RequireJS</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-06-14", "New <a href=\"/haskell/\">Haskell</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-05-25", "New <a href=\"/laravel/\">Laravel</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-05-04", "New <a href=\"/express/\">Express</a>, <a href=\"/grunt/\">Grunt</a>, and <a href=\"/maxcdn/\">MaxCDN</a> documentations" ], [ "2014-04-06", "New <a href=\"/go/\">Go</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-03-30", "New <a href=\"/cpp/\">C++</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-03-16", "New <a href=\"/yii/\">Yii</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-03-08", "Added path bar." ], [ "2014-02-22", "New <a href=\"/c/\">C</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-02-16", "New <a href=\"/moment/\">Moment.js</a> documentation" ], [ "2014-02-12", "The root/category pages are now included in the search index (e.g. <a href=\"/#q=CSS\">CSS</a>)" ], [ "2014-01-19", "New <a href=\"/d3/\">D3.js</a> and <a href=\"/knockout/\">Knockout.js</a> documentations" ], [ "2014-01-18", "DevDocs is now available as a <a href=\"https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/devdocs/\">Firefox web app</a>." ], [ "2014-01-12", "Added <code class=\"_label\">alt + g</code> shortcut for searching on Google.", "Added <code class=\"_label\">alt + r</code> shortcut for revealing the current page in the sidebar." ], [ "2013-12-14", "New <a href=\"/postgresql/\">PostgreSQL</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-12-13", "New <a href=\"/git/\">Git</a> and <a href=\"/redis/\">Redis</a> documentations" ], [ "2013-11-26", "New <a href=\"/python/\">Python</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-11-19", "New <a href=\"/rails/\">Ruby on Rails</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-11-16", "New <a href=\"/ruby/\">Ruby</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-10-24", "DevDocs is now <a href=\"https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs\">open source</a>." ], [ "2013-10-09", "DevDocs is now available as a <a href=\"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/devdocs/mnfehgbmkapmjnhcnbodoamcioleeooe\">Chrome web app</a>." ], [ "2013-09-22", "New <a href=\"/php/\">PHP</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-09-06", "New <a href=\"/lodash/\">Lo-Dash</a> documentation ", "On mobile devices you can now search a specific documentation by typing its name and <code class=\"_label\">Space</code>." ], [ "2013-09-01", "New <a href=\"/jqueryui/\">jQuery UI</a> and <a href=\"/jquerymobile/\">jQuery Mobile</a> documentations" ], [ "2013-08-28", "New smartphone interface\nTested on iOS 6+ and Android 4.1+" ], [ "2013-08-25", "New <a href=\"/ember/\">Ember.js</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-08-18", "New <a href=\"/coffeescript/\">CoffeeScript</a> documentation", "URL search now automatically opens the first result." ], [ "2013-08-13", "New <a href=\"/angularjs/\">Angular.js</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-08-11", "New <a href=\"/sass/\">Sass</a> and <a href=\"/less/\">Less</a> documentations" ], [ "2013-08-05", "New <a href=\"/node/\">Node.js</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-08-03", "Added support for OpenSearch" ], [ "2013-07-30", "New <a href=\"/backbone/\">Backbone.js</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-07-27", "You can now customize the list of documentations.\nNew docs will be hidden by default, but you'll see a notification when there are new releases.", "New <a href=\"/http/\">HTTP</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-07-15", "URL search now works with single documentations: <a href=\"/#q=js%20sort\">devdocs.io/#q=js sort</a>" ], [ "2013-07-13", "Added syntax highlighting", "Added documentation versions" ], [ "2013-07-11", "New <a href=\"/underscore/\">Underscore.js</a> documentation ", "Improved compatibility with tablets\nA mobile version is planned as soon as other high priority features have been implemented." ], [ "2013-07-10", "You can now search specific documentations.\nSimply type the documentation's name and press <code class=\"_label\">Tab</code>.\nThe name is fuzzy matched so you can use abbreviations like <code>js</code> for <code>JavaScript</code>." ], [ "2013-07-08", "Improved search with fuzzy matching and better results\nFor example, searching <code>jqmka</code> now returns <code>jQuery.makeArray()</code>.", "DevDocs finally has an icon.", "<code class=\"_label\">space</code> has replaced <code class=\"_label\">alt + space</code> for scrolling down." ], [ "2013-07-06", "New <a href=\"/dom/\">DOM</a> and <a href=\"/dom_events/\">DOM Events</a> documentations\nDevDocs now includes almost all reference documents available on the Mozilla Developer Network.\nBig thank you to Mozilla and all the people that contributed to MDN.", "Implemented URL search: <a href=\"/#q=sort\">devdocs.io/#q=sort</a>" ], [ "2013-07-02", "New <a href=\"/javascript/\">JavaScript</a> documentation" ], [ "2013-06-28", "DevDocs made the front page of Hacker News!\nHi everyone — thanks for trying DevDocs.\nPlease bear with me while I fix bugs and scramble to add more docs.\nThis is only v1. There's a lot more to come." ], [ "2013-06-18", "Initial release" ] ]