module Docs class Hammerspoon < UrlScraper self.type = 'hammerspoon' self.root_path = '' self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.push 'hammerspoon/clean_html', 'hammerspoon/entries' # links with no content will still render a page, this is an error in the docs # (see: options[:skip] = ['module.lp/'] # Replace '/module.lp/' with '' in URLs options[:replace_paths] = { 'localhost:12345/module.lp/' => 'localhost:12345/module.lp/hs.canvas.matrix' } # Hammerspoon docs don't have a license (MIT specified in the hammerspoon repo) # options[:attribution] = <<-HTML Hammerspoon HTML version '0.9.100' do self.release = '0.9.100' # add `hs.doc.hsdocs.start()` to your init.lua to enable the docs server self.base_url = 'http://localhost:12345/' end end end