module Docs class Minitest < Rdoc # Instructions: # 1. Run "gem update rdoc hoe" # 2. Download the source code at # 3. Run "rake docs" (in the Minitest directory) # 4. Copy the "docs" directory to "docs/minitest" = 'Ruby / Minitest' self.slug = 'minitest' self.release = '5.11.3' self.links = { code: '' } html_filters.replace 'rdoc/entries', 'minitest/entries' options[:root_title] = 'Minitest' options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © Ryan Davis, seattle.rb<br> Licensed under the MIT License. HTML def get_latest_version(opts) contents = get_github_file_contents('seattlerb', 'minitest', 'History.rdoc', opts) contents.scan(/([0-9.]+)/)[0][0] end end end