The Jest documentation was missing most of the items that should have
been under "The Jest Object". This updates the CSS selector is get
all the nodes for the API pages.
Documentation is part of the gnuplot source code, available at:
This can be redistributed, according the the Copyright (emphasis mine):
> * Copyright 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley
> *
> * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software **and its**
> * **documentation** for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
> * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
> * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
> * in supporting documentation.
Full copyright notice here:
The term “gnuplot license” is not very widespread but brings satisfying
results on search engines (including on wikipedia), so I took the
liberty to add a link to the copyright file, taken from the “Gnuplot's
copyright” link on the gnuplot home page,
Here is how to build the gnuplot docs to parse them:
mkdir gnuplot-src gnuplot-conf $DEVDOCS_ROOT/docs/gnuplot
git clone -b 5.2.7 --depth 1 ./gnuplot-src
cd gnuplot-src/
cd ../gnuplot-conf
make -C docs nofigures.tex
latex2html -html 5.0,math -split 4 -link 8 -long_titles 5 -dir $DEVDOCS_ROOT/docs/gnuplot -ascii_mode docs/nofigures.tex