* Download a release at https://github.com/rails/rails/releases or clone https://github.com/rails/rails.git (checkout to the branch of the rails' version that is going to be scraped)
* Open "railties/lib/rails/api/task.rb" and comment out any code related to sdoc ("configure_sdoc")
* Run "bundle install --without db && bundle exec rake rdoc" (in the Rails directory)
* Run "cd guides && bundle exec rake guides:generate:html"
* Copy the "guides/output" directory to "html/guides"
* Copy the "html" directory to "docs/rails~[version]"
* Open `railties/lib/rails/api/task.rb` and comment out any code related to sdoc (`configure_sdoc`)
* Run `bundle config set --local without 'db job'` (in the Rails directory)
* Run `bundle install && bundle exec rake rdoc` (in the Rails directory)
* Run `cd guides && bundle exec rake guides:generate:html`
* Copy the `guides/output` directory to `html/guides`
* Copy the `html` directory to `docs/rails~[version]`
### Ruby
Download the tarball of Ruby from https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/, extract it, run