diff --git a/assets/javascripts/app/db.coffee b/assets/javascripts/app/db.coffee
index da0b55b3..75688682 100644
--- a/assets/javascripts/app/db.coffee
+++ b/assets/javascripts/app/db.coffee
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ class app.DB
req.onsuccess = @onOpenSuccess
req.onerror = @onOpenError
req.onupgradeneeded = @onUpgradeNeeded
- catch
- @onOpenError()
+ catch error
+ @fail 'error', error
onOpenSuccess: (event) =>
@@ -26,18 +26,16 @@ class app.DB
if db.objectStoreNames.length is 0
try db.close()
- @reason = 'empty'
- @onOpenError()
+ @fail 'empty'
unless @checkedBuggyIDB
@checkedBuggyIDB = true
@idbTransaction(db, stores: $.makeArray(db.objectStoreNames)[0..1], mode: 'readwrite').abort() # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136937
- catch
+ catch error
try db.close()
- @reason = 'apple'
- @onOpenError()
+ @fail 'buggy', error
@@ -46,17 +44,25 @@ class app.DB
onOpenError: (event) =>
- event?.preventDefault()
+ event.preventDefault()
@open = false
+ error = event.target.error
- if event?.target?.error?.name is 'QuotaExceededError'
+ if error.name is 'QuotaExceededError'
- @useIndexedDB = false
- @reason or= 'cant_open'
- @runCallbacks()
+ @fail 'cant_open', error
+ return
+ fail: (reason, error) ->
+ @useIndexedDB = false
+ @reason or= reason
+ @error or= error
+ console.error? 'IDB error', error if error
+ @runCallbacks()
+ Raven.captureException error, level: 'warning' if error
runCallbacks: (db) ->
diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/error_tmpl.coffee b/assets/javascripts/templates/error_tmpl.coffee
index a6a8e974..e0dfef55 100644
--- a/assets/javascripts/templates/error_tmpl.coffee
+++ b/assets/javascripts/templates/error_tmpl.coffee
@@ -22,25 +22,28 @@ app.templates.bootError = ->
""" Check your Internet connection and try reloading.
If you keep seeing this, you're likely behind a proxy or firewall that blocks cross-domain requests. """
-app.templates.offlineError = (reason) ->
+app.templates.offlineError = (reason, exception) ->
if reason is 'cookie_blocked'
return error """ Cookies must be enabled to use offline mode. """
reason = switch reason
when 'not_supported'
- """ Unfortunately your browser either doesn't support IndexedDB or does not make it available. """
+ """ DevDocs requires IndexedDB to cache documentations for offline access.
+ Unfortunately your browser either doesn't support IndexedDB or doesn't make it available. """
+ when 'buggy'
+ """ DevDocs requires IndexedDB to cache documentations for offline access.
+ Unfortunately your browser's implementation of IndexedDB contains bugs that prevent DevDocs from using it. """
+ when 'exception'
+ """ An error occured when trying to open the IndexedDB database:
+ #{exception.name}: #{exception.message}
when 'cant_open'
- """ Although your browser supports IndexedDB, DevDocs couldn't open the database.
+ """ An error occured when trying to open the IndexedDB database:
+ #{exception.name}: #{exception.message}
This could be because you're browsing in private mode or have disallowed offline storage on the domain. """
when 'empty'
- """ Although your browser supports IndexedDB, DevDocs couldn't properly set up the database.
- This could be because the database is corrupted. Try resetting the app. """
- when 'apple'
- """ Unfortunately Safari's implementation of IndexedDB is badly broken.
- This message will automatically go away when Apple fix their code. """
+ """ The IndexedDB database appears to be corrupted. Try resetting the app. """
- error """ Offline mode is unavailable. """,
- """ DevDocs requires IndexedDB to cache documentations for offline access.
#{reason} """
+ error 'Offline mode is unavailable.', reason
app.templates.unsupportedBrowser = """