@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ $.scrollTo = (el, parent, position = 'center', options = {}) ->
return unless parent
parentHeight = parent.clientHeight
return unless parent.scrollHeight > parentHeight
parentScrollHeight = parent.scrollHeight
return unless parentScrollHeight > parentHeight
top = $.offset(el, parent).top
offsetTop = parent.firstElementChild.offsetTop
@ -181,14 +182,17 @@ $.scrollTo = (el, parent, position = 'center', options = {}) ->
scrollTop = parent.scrollTop
height = el.offsetHeight
lastElementOffset = parent.lastElementChild.offsetTop + parent.lastElementChild.offsetHeight
offsetBottom = if lastElementOffset > 0 then parentScrollHeight - lastElementOffset else 0
# If the target element is above the visible portion of its scrollable
# ancestor, move it near the top with a gap = options.topGap * target's height.
if top - offsetTop <= scrollTop + height * (options.topGap or 1)
parent.scrollTop = top - offsetTop - height * (options.topGap or 1)
# If the target element is below the visible portion of its scrollable
# ancestor, move it near the bottom with a gap = options.bottomGap * target's height.
else if top >= scrollTop + parentHeight - height * ((options.bottomGap or 1) + 1)
parent.scrollTop = top - parentHeight + height * ((options.bottomGap or 1) + 1)
else if top + offsetBottom >= scrollTop + parentHeight - height * ((options.bottomGap or 1) + 1)
parent.scrollTop = top + offsetBottom - parentHeight + height * ((options.bottomGap or 1) + 1)
$.scrollToWithImageLock = (el, parent, args...) ->