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") title.content = title.content.split(' ').first end - css('nav', 'aside', 'form', '.anchor-link').remove + css('nav', 'aside', '.page-feedback', '.anchor-link').remove css('> article', '.article-main', 'pre > code', '.container').each do |node| node.before(node.children).remove diff --git a/lib/docs/filters/redis/entries.rb b/lib/docs/filters/redis/entries.rb index c0dc2fa4..f1073d69 100644 --- a/lib/docs/filters/redis/entries.rb +++ b/lib/docs/filters/redis/entries.rb @@ -1,30 +1,510 @@ module Docs class Redis class EntriesFilter < Docs::EntriesFilter + def get_name - slug.gsub('-', ' ') + slug.gsub('-', ' ').remove('/') end def get_type - case at_css('aside > ul:last-child a').content.strip - when 'DEL' then 'Keys' - when 'APPEND' then 'Strings' - when 'HDEL' then 'Hashes' - when 'BLPOP' then 'Lists' - when 'SADD' then 'Sets' - when 'BZPOPMAX' then 'Sorted Sets' - when 'PSUBSCRIBE' then 'Pub/Sub' - when 'DISCARD' then 'Transactions' - when 'EVAL' then 'Scripting' - when 'AUTH' then 'Connection' - when 'BGREWRITEAOF' then 'Server' - when 'PFADD' then 'HyperLogLog' - when 'CLUSTER ADDSLOTS' then 'Cluster' - when 'GEOADD' then 'Geo' - when 'XACK' then 'Stream' - else 'Miscellaneous' - end + SLUG_NAMES[SLUG_TYPES[slug]] end + + # obtain from https://redis.io/commands/ via lib/docs/filters/redis/clean_html.rb using `binding.pry` + SLUG_TYPES = { + "acl-cat/" => "server", + "acl-deluser/" => "server", + "acl-dryrun/" => "server", + "acl-genpass/" => "server", + "acl-getuser/" => "server", + "acl-list/" => "server", + "acl-load/" => "server", + "acl-log/" => "server", + "acl-save/" => "server", + "acl-setuser/" => "server", + "acl-users/" => "server", + "acl-whoami/" => "server", + "append/" => "string", + "asking/" => "cluster", + "auth/" => "connection", + "bf.add/" => "bf", + "bf.card/" => "bf", + "bf.exists/" => "bf", + "bf.info/" => "bf", + "bf.insert/" => "bf", + "bf.loadchunk/" => "bf", + "bf.madd/" => "bf", + "bf.mexists/" => "bf", + "bf.reserve/" => "bf", + "bf.scandump/" => "bf", + "bgrewriteaof/" => "server", + "bgsave/" => "server", + "bitcount/" => "bitmap", + "bitfield/" => "bitmap", + "bitfield_ro/" => "bitmap", + "bitop/" => "bitmap", + "bitpos/" => "bitmap", + "blmove/" => "list", + "blmpop/" => "list", + "blpop/" => "list", + "brpop/" => "list", + "brpoplpush/" => "list", + "bzmpop/" => "sorted-set", + "bzpopmax/" => "sorted-set", + "bzpopmin/" => "sorted-set", + "cf.add/" => "cf", + "cf.addnx/" => "cf", + "cf.count/" => "cf", + "cf.del/" => "cf", + "cf.exists/" => "cf", + "cf.info/" => "cf", + "cf.insert/" => "cf", + "cf.insertnx/" => "cf", + "cf.loadchunk/" => "cf", + "cf.mexists/" => "cf", + "cf.reserve/" => "cf", + "cf.scandump/" => "cf", + "client-caching/" => "connection", + "client-getname/" => "connection", + "client-getredir/" => "connection", + "client-id/" => "connection", + "client-info/" => "connection", + "client-kill/" => "connection", + "client-list/" => "connection", + "client-no-evict/" => "connection", + 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"zintercard/" => "sorted-set", + "zinterstore/" => "sorted-set", + "zlexcount/" => "sorted-set", + "zmpop/" => "sorted-set", + "zmscore/" => "sorted-set", + "zpopmax/" => "sorted-set", + "zpopmin/" => "sorted-set", + "zrandmember/" => "sorted-set", + "zrange/" => "sorted-set", + "zrangebylex/" => "sorted-set", + "zrangebyscore/" => "sorted-set", + "zrangestore/" => "sorted-set", + "zrank/" => "sorted-set", + "zrem/" => "sorted-set", + "zremrangebylex/" => "sorted-set", + "zremrangebyrank/" => "sorted-set", + "zremrangebyscore/" => "sorted-set", + "zrevrange/" => "sorted-set", + "zrevrangebylex/" => "sorted-set", + "zrevrangebyscore/" => "sorted-set", + "zrevrank/" => "sorted-set", + "zscan/" => "sorted-set", + "zscore/" => "sorted-set", + "zunion/" => "sorted-set", + "zunionstore/" => "sorted-set" + } + + SLUG_NAMES = { + "bitmap" => "Core: Bitmap", + "cluster" => "Core: Cluster management", + "connection" => "Core: Connection management", + "generic" => "Core: Generic", + "geo" => "Core: Geospatial indices", + "hash" => "Core: Hash", + "hyperloglog" => "Core: HyperLogLog", + "list" => "Core: List", + "pubsub" => "Core: Pub/Sub", + "scripting" => "Core: Scripting and Functions", + "server" => "Core: Server managment", + "set" => "Core: Set", + "sorted-set:" => "Core: Sorted Set", + "stream" => "Core: Stream", + "string" => "Core: String", + "transactions" => "Core: Transactions", + "bf" => "Stack: Bloom Filter", + "cf" => "Stack: Cuckoo Filter", + "cms" => "Stack: Count-min Sketch", + "graph" => "Stack: Graph", + "json" => "Stack: JSON", + "search" => "Stack: Search", + "suggestion" => "Stack: Auto-Suggest", + "tdigest" => "Stack: T-Digest", + "timeseries" => "Stack: Time Series", + "topk" => "Stack: Top-K", + } + end end end diff --git a/lib/docs/scrapers/redis.rb b/lib/docs/scrapers/redis.rb index cffe2b1f..46b299af 100644 --- a/lib/docs/scrapers/redis.rb +++ b/lib/docs/scrapers/redis.rb @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ module Docs class Redis < UrlScraper self.type = 'redis' - self.release = '6.2.1' + self.release = '7.0.8' self.base_url = 'https://redis.io/commands' self.links = { home: 'https://redis.io/', @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module Docs html_filters.push 'redis/entries', 'redis/clean_html', 'title' - options[:container] = ->(filter) { filter.root_page? ? '#commands' : '.text' } + options[:container] = ->(filter) { filter.root_page? ? '#commands-grid' : 'section' } options[:title] = false options[:root_title] = 'Redis' options[:follow_links] = ->(filter) { filter.root_page? } options[:attribution] = <<-HTML - © 2009–2020 Salvatore Sanfilippo
+ © 2009–2022 Salvatore Sanfilippo
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0. HTML @@ -25,5 +25,13 @@ module Docs body = body.lines[1..-1].join body.scan(/Redis ([0-9.]+)/)[0][0] end + + private + + def parse(response) + response.body.gsub! '