@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ Made something cool? Feel free to open a PR to add a new row to this table!
| [skeeto/devdocs-lookup](https://github.com/skeeto/devdocs-lookup) | Quick Emacs API lookup on DevDocs. | [](https://github.com/skeeto/devdocs-lookup) |
| [yannickglt/alfred-devdocs](https://github.com/yannickglt/alfred-devdocs) | Alfred workflow for DevDocs. | [](https://github.com/yannickglt/alfred-devdocs) |
| [waiting-for-dev/vim-www](https://github.com/waiting-for-dev/vim-www) | Vim search plugin with DevDocs in its defaults. | [](https://github.com/waiting-for-dev/vim-www) |
| [vscode-devdocs for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=akfish.vscode-devdocs) | VS Code plugin to open and search DevDocs inside VS Code. | [](https://github.com/akfish/vscode-devdocs) |
| [devdocs for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=deibit.devdocs) | VS Code plugin to open the browser to search selected text on DevDocs. | [](https://github.com/deibit/vscode-devdocs) |
| [DevDocs Tab for VS Code](https://github.com/mohamed3nan/DevDocs-Tab) | VS Code extension to search for documentation on DevDocs.io faster by displaying it in a tab inside VS Code.| [](https://github.com/mohamed3nan/DevDocs-Tab) |
### Unmaintained projects
Here are some older projects that, while they are not actively maintained, are still worth a look.
| [vscode-devdocs for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=akfish.vscode-devdocs) | VS Code plugin to open and search DevDocs inside VS Code. | [](https://github.com/akfish/vscode-devdocs) |
## Copyright / License
Copyright 2013–2021 Thibaut Courouble and [other contributors](https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/graphs/contributors)