@ -67,10 +67,11 @@ Follow the following steps to update documentations to their latest version:
2. Check if the license is still correct. If you update `options[:attribution]`, also update the documentation's entry in the array in [`assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee`](../assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee) to match.
3. If the documentation has a custom icon, ensure the icons in <code>public/icons/*your_scraper_name*/</code> are up-to-date. If you pull the updated icon from a place different than the one specified in the `SOURCE` file, make sure to replace the old link with the new one.
4. If `self.links` is defined, check if the urls are still correct.
5. Generate the docs using `thor docs:generate <doc@version>`.
6. Make sure `thor docs:generate` doesn't show errors and that the documentation still works well. Verify locally that everything works and that the categorization of entries is still good. Often, updates will require code changes in the scraper or its filters to tweak some new markup in the source website or to categorize new entries.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all versions that you updated.
8. Create a PR and make sure to fill the checklist in section B of the PR template (remove the other sections).
5. If the scraper inherits from `FileScraper` rather than `URLScraper`, follow the instructions for that scraper in [`file-scrapers.md`](../docs/file-scrapers.md) to obtain the source material for the scraper.
6. Generate the docs using `thor docs:generate <doc@version>`.
7. Make sure `thor docs:generate` doesn't show errors and that the documentation still works well. Verify locally that everything works and that the categorization of entries is still good. Often, updates will require code changes in the scraper or its filters to tweak some new markup in the source website or to categorize new entries.
8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all versions that you updated.
9. Create a PR and make sure to fill the checklist in section B of the PR template (remove the other sections).
| [Sublime Text plugin](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/DevDocs) | Sublime Text plugin to search DevDocs by selection or by input. | [](https://github.com/vitorbritto/sublime-devdocs) |
| [Atom plugin](https://atom.io/packages/devdocs) | Atom plugin adding the `doc` command to search DevDocs. | [](https://github.com/masnun/atom-devdocs) |
| [gruehle/dev-docs-viewer](https://github.com/gruehle/dev-docs-viewer) | Brackets extension for searching and viewing DevDocs content. | [](https://github.com/gruehle/dev-docs-viewer) |
| [naquad/devdocs-shell](https://github.com/naquad/devdocs-shell) | GTK shell with Vim integration. | [](https://github.com/naquad/devdocs-shell) |
| [skeeto/devdocs-lookup](https://github.com/skeeto/devdocs-lookup) | Quick Emacs API lookup on DevDocs. | [](https://github.com/skeeto/devdocs-lookup) |
| [yannickglt/alfred-devdocs](https://github.com/yannickglt/alfred-devdocs) | Alfred workflow for DevDocs. | [](https://github.com/yannickglt/alfred-devdocs) |
| [waiting-for-dev/vim-www](https://github.com/waiting-for-dev/vim-www) | Vim search plugin with DevDocs in its defaults. | [](https://github.com/waiting-for-dev/vim-www) |
| [vscode-devdocs for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=akfish.vscode-devdocs) | VS Code plugin to open and search DevDocs inside VS Code. | [](https://github.com/akfish/vscode-devdocs) |
| [devdocs for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=deibit.devdocs) | VS Code plugin to open the browser to search selected text on DevDocs. | [](https://github.com/deibit/vscode-devdocs) |
| [qwfy/doc-browser](https://github.com/qwfy/doc-browser) | Native Linux app that supports DevDocs docsets. | [](https://github.com/qwfy/doc-browser) |
| [hardpixel/devdocs-desktop](https://github.com/hardpixel/devdocs-desktop) | GTK3 application for DevDocs with search integrated in the headerbar. | [](https://github.com/hardpixel/devdocs-desktop) |
| [DevDocs Tab for VS Code](https://github.com/mohamed3nan/DevDocs-Tab) | VS Code extension to search displaying DevDocs.io in a tab. | [](https://github.com/mohamed3nan/DevDocs-Tab) |
| [quickDocs](https://github.com/mdh34/quickDocs) | DevDocs viewer written in Vala/Python. | [](https://github.com/mdh34/quickDocs) |
| [romainl/vim-devdocs](https://github.com/romainl/vim-devdocs) | Look up keyword on DevDocs from Vim. | [](https://github.com/romainl/vim-devdocs) |
Made something cool? Feel free to open a PR to add a new row to this table! You might want to discover new projects via https://github.com/topics/devdocs.
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return'<h1>Axios</h1><p>Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js</p><p>Axios is a simple promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js. Axios provides a simple to use library in a small package with a very extensible interface.</p>'