@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* @preserve FastClick: polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs.
* @version 1.0.2
* @version 1.0.3
* @codingstandard ftlabs-jsv2
* @copyright The Financial Times Limited [All Rights Reserved]
* @license MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
@ -197,6 +197,12 @@ var deviceIsIOS4 = deviceIsIOS && (/OS 4_\d(_\d)?/).test(navigator.userAgent);
var deviceIsIOSWithBadTarget = deviceIsIOS && (/OS ([6-9]|\d{2})_\d/).test(navigator.userAgent);
* BlackBerry requires exceptions.
* @type boolean
var deviceIsBlackBerry10 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('BB10') > 0;
* Determine whether a given element requires a native click.
@ -401,7 +407,10 @@ FastClick.prototype.onTouchStart = function(event) {
// with the same identifier as the touch event that previously triggered the click that triggered the alert.
// Sadly, there is an issue on iOS 4 that causes some normal touch events to have the same identifier as an
// immediately preceeding touch event (issue #52), so this fix is unavailable on that platform.
if (touch.identifier === this.lastTouchIdentifier) {
// Issue 120: touch.identifier is 0 when Chrome dev tools 'Emulate touch events' is set with an iOS device UA string,
// which causes all touch events to be ignored. As this block only applies to iOS, and iOS identifiers are always long,
// random integers, it's safe to to continue if the identifier is 0 here.
if (touch.identifier && touch.identifier === this.lastTouchIdentifier) {
return false;
@ -723,6 +732,7 @@ FastClick.notNeeded = function(layer) {
'use strict';
var metaViewport;
var chromeVersion;
var blackberryVersion;
// Devices that don't support touch don't need FastClick
if (typeof window.ontouchstart === 'undefined') {
@ -754,6 +764,27 @@ FastClick.notNeeded = function(layer) {
if (deviceIsBlackBerry10) {
blackberryVersion = navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/);
// BlackBerry 10.3+ does not require Fastclick library.
// https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick/issues/251
if (blackberryVersion[1] >= 10 && blackberryVersion[2] >= 3) {
metaViewport = document.querySelector('meta[name=viewport]');
if (metaViewport) {
// user-scalable=no eliminates click delay.
if (metaViewport.content.indexOf('user-scalable=no') !== -1) {
return true;
// width=device-width (or less than device-width) eliminates click delay.
if (document.documentElement.scrollWidth <= window.outerWidth) {
return true;
// IE10 with -ms-touch-action: none, which disables double-tap-to-zoom (issue #97)
if (layer.style.msTouchAction === 'none') {
return true;