mirror of https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Please read the contributing guidelines before opening an issue:
Please read the contributing guidelines before opening an issue:
To request a new documentation, or an update of an existing documentation, go here:
Go here to request a new documentation:
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,2 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,26 @@
language: ruby
language: ruby
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
cache: bundler
cache: bundler
- "echo 'gem: --no-document' > ~/.gemrc"
- gem update --system
- gem update --system
- gem install bundler
- gem install bundler
- if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" != "cron" ]; then bundle exec rake; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then bundle exec thor updates:check --github-token $GH_TOKEN --upload; fi
provider: heroku
app: devdocs
branch: master
condition: $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE != cron
secure: "4p1klvWJZSOImzFcKOduILjP93hlOlAhceWlYMKS4tU+TCFE8qTBzdKdFPSCsCgjB+YR9pBss+L0lJpVVMjSwFHXqpKe6EeUSltO2k7DFHfW7kXLUM/L0AfqXz+YXk76XUyZMhvOEbldPfaMaj10e8vgDOQCSHABDyK/4CU+hnI="
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
> Our Code of Conduct is available here: <https://code-of-conduct.freecodecamp.org/>
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Copyright 2013-2018 Thibaut Courouble and other contributors
Copyright 2013-2019 Thibaut Courouble and other contributors
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This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
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Please do not use the name DevDocs to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without my permission, except as may be
derived from this software without the maintainers' permission, except
necessary to comply with the notice/attribution requirements.
as may be necessary to comply with the notice/attribution requirements.
I also wish that any documentation file generated using this software
We also wish that any documentation file generated using this software
be attributed to DevDocs. Let's be fair to all contributors by giving
be attributed to DevDocs. Let's be fair to all contributors by giving
credit where credit's due. Thanks.
credit where credit's due. Thanks.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 45 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 119 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 20 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 48 KiB |
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
class app.AppCache
$.extend @prototype, Events
@isEnabled: ->
applicationCache and applicationCache.status isnt applicationCache.UNCACHED
constructor: ->
@cache = applicationCache
@notifyUpdate = true
@onUpdateReady() if @cache.status is @cache.UPDATEREADY
$.on @cache, 'progress', @onProgress
$.on @cache, 'updateready', @onUpdateReady
update: ->
@notifyUpdate = true
@notifyProgress = true
try @cache.update() catch
updateInBackground: ->
@notifyUpdate = false
@notifyProgress = false
try @cache.update() catch
reload: ->
$.on @cache, 'updateready noupdate error', ->
if location.pathname isnt '/'
window.location = "/##{location.pathname}"
window.location = '/'
@notifyUpdate = false
@notifyProgress = true
try @cache.update() catch
onProgress: (event) =>
@trigger 'progress', event if @notifyProgress
onUpdateReady: =>
@trigger 'updateready' if @notifyUpdate
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
class app.ServiceWorker
$.extend @prototype, Events
@isEnabled: ->
!!navigator.serviceWorker and app.config.service_worker_enabled
constructor: ->
@registration = null
@notifyUpdate = true
navigator.serviceWorker.register(app.config.service_worker_path, {scope: '/'})
(registration) => @updateRegistration(registration),
(error) -> console.error('Could not register service worker:', error)
update: ->
return unless @registration
@notifyUpdate = true
return @registration.update().catch(->)
updateInBackground: ->
return unless @registration
@notifyUpdate = false
return @registration.update().catch(->)
reload: ->
return @updateInBackground().then(() -> app.reboot())
updateRegistration: (registration) ->
@registration = registration
$.on @registration, 'updatefound', @onUpdateFound
onUpdateFound: =>
$.off @installingRegistration, 'statechange', @onStateChange() if @installingRegistration
@installingRegistration = @registration.installing
$.on @installingRegistration, 'statechange', @onStateChange
onStateChange: =>
if @installingRegistration and @installingRegistration.state == 'installed' and navigator.serviceWorker.controller
@installingRegistration = null
onUpdateReady: ->
@trigger 'updateready' if @notifyUpdate
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
class @CookieStore
class @CookiesStore
# Intentionally called CookiesStore instead of CookieStore
# Calling it CookieStore causes issues when the Experimental Web Platform features flag is enabled in Chrome
# Related issue: https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/issues/932
INT = /^\d+$/
INT = /^\d+$/
@onBlocked: ->
@onBlocked: ->
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
defaultUrl = null
currentSlug = null
imageCache = {}
urlCache = {}
withImage = (url, action) ->
if imageCache[url]
img = new Image()
img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'
img.src = url
img.onload = () =>
imageCache[url] = img
@setFaviconForDoc = (doc) ->
return if currentSlug == doc.slug
favicon = $('link[rel="icon"]')
if defaultUrl == null
defaultUrl = favicon.href
if urlCache[doc.slug]
favicon.href = urlCache[doc.slug]
currentSlug = doc.slug
styles = window.getComputedStyle($("._icon-#{doc.slug.split('~')[0]}"), ':before')
bgUrl = app.config.favicon_spritesheet
sourceSize = 16
sourceX = Math.abs(parseInt(styles['background-position-x'].slice(0, -2)))
sourceY = Math.abs(parseInt(styles['background-position-y'].slice(0, -2)))
withImage(bgUrl, (docImg) ->
withImage(defaultUrl, (defaultImg) ->
size = defaultImg.width
canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
canvas.width = size
canvas.height = size
ctx.drawImage(defaultImg, 0, 0)
docIconPercentage = 65
destinationCoords = size / 100 * (100 - docIconPercentage)
destinationSize = size / 100 * docIconPercentage
ctx.drawImage(docImg, sourceX, sourceY, sourceSize, sourceSize, destinationCoords, destinationCoords, destinationSize, destinationSize)
urlCache[doc.slug] = canvas.toDataURL()
favicon.href = urlCache[doc.slug]
currentSlug = doc.slug
@resetFavicon = () ->
if defaultUrl != null and currentSlug != null
$('link[rel="icon"]').href = defaultUrl
currentSlug = null
@ -1,28 +1,32 @@
try {
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if (app.config.env == 'production') {
if (app.config.env === 'production') {
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dimension1: app.router.context && app.router.context.doc && app.router.context.doc.slug_without_version
page: location.pathname + location.search + location.hash,
dimension1: app.router.context && app.router.context.doc && app.router.context.doc.slug_without_version
page.track(function() {
page.track(function() {
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if (window._gauges)
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@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
<% manifest = JSON.parse(File.read('assets/images/sprites/docs.json')) %>
%svg-icon {
display: inline-block;
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width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
pointer-events: none;
fill: currentColor;
%doc-icon {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
background-image: image-url('sprites/docs.png');
background-size: <%= manifest['icons_per_row'] %>rem <%= manifest['icons_per_row'] %>rem;
@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi) {
%doc-icon { background-image: image-url('sprites/docs@2x.png'); }
html._theme-dark {
%darkIconFix {
filter: invert(100%) grayscale(100%);
-webkit-filter: invert(100%) grayscale(100%);
items = []
manifest['items'].each do |item|
rules = []
rules << "background-position: -#{item['col']}rem -#{item['row']}rem;"
rules << "@extend %darkIconFix !optional;" if item['dark_icon_fix']
items << "._icon-#{item['type']}:before { #{rules.join(' ')} }"
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
._cypress {
@extend %simple;
.note {
h1 {
margin-left: inherit
&.danger {
@extend %note-red
&.info {
@extend %note-blue
&.success {
@extend %note-green
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
._scala {
@extend %simple;
.deprecated { @extend %label-red; }
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
._wordpress {
@extend %simple;
.breadcrumbs {
display: none;
.callout-warning {
@extend %note, %note-red;
.callout-alert {
@extend %note, %note-orange;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Adding a documentation may look like a daunting task but once you get the hang of it, it's actually quite simple. Don't hesitate to ask for help [in Gitter](https://gitter.im/FreeCodeCamp/DevDocs) if you ever get stuck.
**Note:** please read the [contributing guidelines](../.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) before submitting a new documentation.
1. Create a subclass of `Docs::UrlScraper` or `Docs::FileScraper` in the `lib/docs/scrapers/` directory. Its name should be the [PascalCase](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/String.html#method-i-camelize) equivalent of the filename (e.g. `my_doc` → `MyDoc`)
2. Add the appropriate class attributes and filter options (see the [Scraper Reference](./scraper-reference.md) page).
3. Check that the scraper is listed in `thor docs:list`.
4. Create filters specific to the scraper in the `lib/docs/filters/[my_doc]/` directory and add them to the class's [filter stacks](./scraper-reference.md#filter-stacks). You may create any number of filters but will need at least the following two:
* A [`CleanHtml`](./filter-reference.md#cleanhtmlfilter) filter whose task is to clean the HTML markup (e.g. adding `id` attributes to headings) and remove everything superfluous and/or nonessential.
* An [`Entries`](./filter-reference.md#entriesfilter) filter whose task is to determine the pages' metadata (the list of entries, each with a name, type and path).
The [Filter Reference](./filter-reference.md) page has all the details about filters.
5. Using the `thor docs:page [my_doc] [path]` command, check that the scraper works properly. Files will appear in the `public/docs/[my_doc]/` directory (but not inside the app as the command doesn't touch the index). `path` in this case refers to either the remote path (if using `UrlScraper`) or the local path (if using `FileScraper`).
6. Generate the full documentation using the `thor docs:generate [my_doc] --force` command. Additionally, you can use the `--verbose` option to see which files are being created/updated/deleted (useful to see what changed since the last run), and the `--debug` option to see which URLs are being requested and added to the queue (useful to pin down which page adds unwanted URLs to the queue).
7. Start the server, open the app, enable the documentation, and see how everything plays out.
8. Tweak the scraper/filters and repeat 5) and 6) until the pages and metadata are ok.
9. To customize the pages' styling, create an SCSS file in the `assets/stylesheets/pages/` directory and import it in both `application.css.scss` AND `application-dark.css.scss`. Both the file and CSS class should be named `_[type]` where [type] is equal to the scraper's `type` attribute (documentations with the same type share the same custom CSS and JS). Setting the type to `simple` will apply the general styling rules in `assets/stylesheets/pages/_simple.scss`, which can be used for documentations where little to no CSS changes are needed.
10. To add syntax highlighting or execute custom JavaScript on the pages, create a file in the `assets/javascripts/views/pages/` directory (take a look at the other files to see how it works).
11. Add the documentation's icon in the `public/icons/docs/[my_doc]/` directory, in both 16x16 and 32x32-pixels formats. The icon spritesheet is automatically generated when you (re)start your local DevDocs instance.
12. Add the documentation's copyright details to the list in `assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee`. This is the data shown in the table on the [about](https://devdocs.io/about) page, and is ordered alphabetically. Simply copying an existing item, placing it in the right slot and updating the values to match the new scraper will do the job.
13. Ensure `thor updates:check [my_doc]` shows the correct latest version.
If the documentation includes more than a few hundreds pages and is available for download, try to scrape it locally (e.g. using `FileScraper`). It'll make the development process much faster and avoids putting too much load on the source site. (It's not a problem if your scraper is coupled to your local setup, just explain how it works in your pull request.)
Finally, try to document your scraper and filters' behavior as much as possible using comments (e.g. why some URLs are ignored, HTML markup removed, metadata that way, etc.). It'll make updating the documentation much easier.
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
**Table of contents:**
* [Overview](#overview)
* [Instance methods](#instance-methods)
* [Core filters](#core-filters)
* [Custom filters](#custom-filters)
- [CleanHtmlFilter](#cleanhtmlfilter)
- [EntriesFilter](#entriesfilter)
## Overview
Filters use the [HTML::Pipeline](https://github.com/jch/html-pipeline) library. They take an HTML string or [Nokogiri](http://nokogiri.org/) node as input, optionally perform modifications and/or extract information from it, and then outputs the result. Together they form a pipeline where each filter hands its output to the next filter's input. Every documentation page passes through this pipeline before being copied on the local filesystem.
Filters are subclasses of the [`Docs::Filter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/filter.rb) class and require a `call` method. A basic implementation looks like this:
module Docs
class CustomFilter < Filter
def call
Filters which manipulate the Nokogiri node object (`doc` and related methods) are _HTML filters_ and must not manipulate the HTML string (`html`). Vice-versa, filters which manipulate the string representation of the document are _text filters_ and must not manipulate the Nokogiri node object. The two types are divided into two stacks within the scrapers. These stacks are then combined into a pipeline that calls the HTML filters before the text filters (more details [here](./scraper-reference.md#filter-stacks)). This is to avoid parsing the document multiple times.
The `call` method must return either `doc` or `html`, depending on the type of filter.
## Instance methods
* `doc` [Nokogiri::XML::Node]
The Nokogiri representation of the container element.
See [Nokogiri's API docs](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/sparklemotion/nokogiri/Nokogiri/XML/Node) for the list of available methods.
* `html` [String]
The string representation of the container element.
* `context` [Hash] **(frozen)**
The scraper's `options` along with a few additional keys: `:base_url`, `:root_url`, `:root_page` and `:url`.
* `result` [Hash]
Used to store the page's metadata and pass back information to the scraper.
Possible keys:
- `:path` — the page's normalized path
- `:store_path` — the path where the page will be stored (equal to `:path` with `.html` at the end)
- `:internal_urls` — the list of distinct internal URLs found within the page
- `:entries` — the [`Entry`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/models/entry.rb) objects to add to the index
* `css`, `at_css`, `xpath`, `at_xpath`
Shortcuts for `doc.css`, `doc.xpath`, etc.
* `base_url`, `current_url`, `root_url` [Docs::URL]
Shortcuts for `context[:base_url]`, `context[:url]`, and `context[:root_url]` respectively.
* `root_path` [String]
Shortcut for `context[:root_path]`.
* `subpath` [String]
The sub-path from the base URL of the current URL.
_Example: if `base_url` equals `example.com/docs` and `current_url` equals `example.com/docs/file?raw`, the returned value is `/file`._
* `slug` [String]
The `subpath` removed of any leading slash or `.html` extension.
_Example: if `subpath` equals `/dir/file.html`, the returned value is `dir/file`._
* `root_page?` [Boolean]
Returns `true` if the current page is the root page.
* `initial_page?` [Boolean]
Returns `true` if the current page is the root page or its subpath is one of the scraper's `initial_paths`.
## Core filters
* [`ContainerFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/container.rb) — changes the root node of the document (remove everything outside)
* [`CleanHtmlFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/clean_html.rb) — removes HTML comments, `<script>`, `<style>`, etc.
* [`NormalizeUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/normalize_urls.rb) — replaces all URLs with their fully qualified counterpart
* [`InternalUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/internal_urls.rb) — detects internal URLs (the ones to scrape) and replaces them with their unqualified, relative counterpart
* [`NormalizePathsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/normalize_paths.rb) — makes the internal paths consistent (e.g. always end with `.html`)
* [`CleanLocalUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/clean_local_urls.rb) — removes links, iframes and images pointing to localhost (`FileScraper` only)
* [`InnerHtmlFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/inner_html.rb) — converts the document to a string
* [`CleanTextFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/clean_text.rb) — removes empty nodes
* [`AttributionFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/attribution.rb) — appends the license info and link to the original document
* [`TitleFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/title.rb) — prepends the document with a title (disabled by default)
* [`EntriesFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/entries.rb) — abstract filter for extracting the page's metadata
## Custom filters
Scrapers can have any number of custom filters but require at least the two described below.
**Note:** filters are located in the [`lib/docs/filters`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/tree/master/lib/docs/filters/) directory. The class's name must be the [CamelCase](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/String.html#method-i-camelize) equivalent of the filename.
### `CleanHtmlFilter`
The `CleanHtml` filter is tasked with cleaning the HTML markup where necessary and removing anything superfluous or nonessential. Only the core documentation should remain at the end.
Nokogiri's many jQuery-like methods make it easy to search and modify elements — see the [API docs](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/sparklemotion/nokogiri/Nokogiri/XML/Node).
Here's an example implementation that covers the most common use-cases:
module Docs
class MyScraper
class CleanHtmlFilter < Filter
def call
css('#changelog').remove if root_page?
# Set id attributes on <h3> instead of an empty <a>
css('h3').each do |node|
node['id'] = node.at_css('a')['id']
# Make proper table headers
css('td.header').each do |node|
node.name = 'th'
# Remove code highlighting
css('pre').each do |node|
node.content = node.content
* Empty elements will be automatically removed by the core `CleanTextFilter` later in the pipeline's execution.
* Although the goal is to end up with a clean version of the page, try to keep the number of modifications to a minimum, so as to make the code easier to maintain. Custom CSS is the preferred way of normalizing the pages (except for hiding stuff which should always be done by removing the markup).
* Try to document your filter's behavior as much as possible, particularly modifications that apply only to a subset of pages. It'll make updating the documentation easier.
### `EntriesFilter`
The `Entries` filter is responsible for extracting the page's metadata, represented by a set of _entries_, each with a name, type and path.
The following two models are used under the hood to represent the metadata:
* [`Entry(name, type, path)`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/models/entry.rb)
* [`Type(name, slug, count)`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/models/type.rb)
Each scraper must implement its own `EntriesFilter` by subclassing the [`Docs::EntriesFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/entries.rb) class. The base class already implements the `call` method and includes four methods which the subclasses can override:
* `get_name` [String]
The name of the default entry (aka. the page's name).
It is usually guessed from the `slug` (documented above) or by searching the HTML markup.
**Default:** modified version of `slug` (underscores are replaced with spaces and forward slashes with dots)
* `get_type` [String]
The type of the default entry (aka. the page's type).
Entries without a type can be searched for but won't be listed in the app's sidebar (unless no other entries have a type).
**Default:** `nil`
* `include_default_entry?` [Boolean]
Whether to include the default entry.
Used when a page consists of multiple entries (returned by `additional_entries`) but doesn't have a name/type of its own, or to remove a page from the index (if it has no additional entries), in which case it won't be copied on the local filesystem and any link to it in the other pages will be broken (as explained on the [Scraper Reference](./scraper-reference.md) page, this is used to keep the `:skip` / `:skip_patterns` options to a maintainable size, or if the page includes links that can't reached from anywhere else).
**Default:** `true`
* `additional_entries` [Array]
The list of additional entries.
Each entry is represented by an Array of three attributes: its name, fragment identifier, and type. The fragment identifier refers to the `id` attribute of the HTML element (usually a heading) that the entry relates to. It is combined with the page's path to become the entry's path. If absent or `nil`, the page's path is used. If the type is absent or `nil`, the default `type` is used.
Example: `[ ['One'], ['Two', 'id'], ['Three', nil, 'type'] ]` adds three additional entries, the first one named "One" with the default path and type, the second one named "Two" with the URL fragment "#id" and the default type, and the third one named "Three" with the default path and the type "type".
The list is usually constructed by running through the markup. Exceptions can also be hard-coded for specific pages.
**Default:** `[]`
The following accessors are also available, but must not be overridden:
* `name` [String]
Memoized version of `get_name` (`nil` for the root page).
* `type` [String]
Memoized version of `get_type` (`nil` for the root page).
* Leading and trailing whitespace is automatically removed from names and types.
* Names must be unique across the documentation and as short as possible (ideally less than 30 characters). Whenever possible, methods should be differentiated from properties by appending `()`, and instance methods should be differentiated from class methods using the `Class#method` or `object.method` conventions.
* You can call `name` from `get_type` or `type` from `get_name` but doing both will cause a stack overflow (i.e. you can infer the name from the type or the type from the name, but you can't do both at the same time). Don't call `get_name` or `get_type` directly as their value isn't memoized.
* The root page has no name and no type (both are `nil`). `get_name` and `get_type` won't get called with the page (but `additional_entries` will).
* `Docs::EntriesFilter` is an _HTML filter_. It must be added to the scraper's `html_filters` stack.
* Try to document the code as much as possible, particularly the special cases. It'll make updating the documentation easier.
module Docs
class MyScraper
class EntriesFilter < Docs::EntriesFilter
def get_name
node = at_css('h1')
result = node.content.strip
result << ' event' if type == 'Events'
result << '()' if node['class'].try(:include?, 'function')
def get_type
object, method = *slug.split('/')
method ? object : 'Miscellaneous'
def additional_entries
return [] if root_page?
css('h2').map do |node|
[node.content, node['id']]
def include_default_entry?
return [[Home]]
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# Maintainer's Guide
This document is intended for [DevDocs maintainers](#list-of-maintainers).
## Merging pull requests
- PRs should be approved by at least one maintainer before being merged.
- PRs that add or update documentations should always be merged locally, and the app deployed, before the merge is pushed to GitHub.
This workflow is required because there is a dependency between the local and production environments. The `thor docs:download` command downloads documentations from production files uploaded by the `thor docs:upload` command. If a PR adding a new documentation is merged and pushed to GitHub before the files have been uploaded to production, the `thor docs:download` will fail for the new documentation and the docker container will not build properly until the new documentation is deployed to production.
## Updating docs
The process for updating docs is as follow:
- Make version/release changes in the scraper file.
- If needed, update the copyright notice of the documentation in the scraper file (`options[:attribution]`) and the about page (`about_tmpl.coffee`). The copyright notice must be the same as the one on the original documentation.
- Run `thor docs:generate`.
- Make sure the documentation still works well. The `thor docs:generate` command outputs a summary of the changes, which helps identifying issues (e.g. deleted files) and new pages to check out in the app. Verify locally that everything works, especially the files that were created (if any), and that the categorization of entries is still good. Often, updates will require code changes to tweak some new markup in the source website or categorize new entries.
- Commit the changes (protip: use the `thor docs:commit` command documented below).
- Optional: do more updates.
- Run `thor docs:upload` (documented below).
- Push to GitHub to [deploy the app](#deploying-devdocs) and verify that everything works in production.
- Run `thor docs:clean` (documented below).
Note: changes to `public/docs/docs.json` should never be committed. This file reflects which documentations have been downloaded or generated locally, which is always none on a fresh `git clone`.
## Setup requirements
In order to deploy DevDocs, you must:
- be given access to Heroku, [configure the Heroku CLI](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli) on your computer, and familiarize yourself with Heroku's UI and CLI, as well as that of New Relic (accessible through [the Heroku dashboard](https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/devdocs)).
- be given access to DevDocs's [Sentry instance](https://sentry.io/devdocs/devdocs-js/) (for JS error tracking) and familiarize yourself with its UI.
- be provided with DevDocs's S3 credentials, and install (`brew install awscli` on macOS) and [configure](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/configure/) the AWS CLI on your computer. The configuration must add a named profile called "devdocs":
aws configure --profile devdocs
- be provided with DevDocs's MaxCDN push zone credentials, and add them to your `.bash_profile` as such:
export DEVDOCS_DL_USERNAME="username"
export DEVDOCS_DL_PASSWORD="password"
## Thor commands
In addition to the [publicly-documented commands](https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs#available-commands), the following commands are aimed at DevDocs maintainers:
- `thor docs:package`
Generates packages for one or more documentations. Those packages are intended to be uploaded to DevDocs's MaxCDN push zone by maintainers via the `thor docs:upload` command, and downloaded by users via the `thor docs:download` command.
Versions can be specified as such: `thor docs:package rails@5.2 node@10\ LTS`.
Packages can also be automatically generated during the scraping process by passing the `--package` option to `thor docs:generate`.
- `thor docs:upload`
This command does two operations:
1. sync the files for the specified documentations with S3 (used by the Heroku app);
2. upload the documentations' packages to DevDocs's MaxCDN push zone (used by the `thor docs:download` command).
For the command to work, you must have the AWS CLI and MaxCDN credentials configured as indicated above.
**Important:** the app should always be deployed immediately after this command has finished running. Do not run this command unless you are able and ready to deploy DevDocs.
To upload all documentations that are packaged on your computer, run `thor docs:upload --packaged`.
To test your configuration and the effect of this command without uploading anything, pass the `--dryrun` option.
- `thor docs:commit`
Shortcut command to create a Git commit for a given documentation once it has been updated. Scraper and `assets/` file changes will be committed. The commit message will include the most recent version that the documentation was updated to. If some files were missed by the commit, use `git commit --amend` to add them to the commit. The command may be run before `thor docs:upload` is run, but the commit should not be pushed to GitHub before the files have been uploaded and the app deployed.
- `thor docs:clean`
Shortcut command to delete all package files (once uploaded via `thor docs:upload`, they are not needed anymore).
## Deploying DevDocs
Once docs have been uploaded via `thor docs:upload` (if applicable), you can push to the DevDocs master branch (or merge the PR containing the updates). If the Travis build succeeds, the Heroku application will be deployed automatically.
- If you're deploying documentation updates, verify that the documentations work properly once the deploy is done. Keep in mind that you'll need to wait a few seconds for the service worker to finish caching the new assets. You should see a "DevDocs has been updated" notification appear when the caching is done, after which you need to refresh the page to see the changes.
- If you're deploying frontend changes, monitor [Sentry](https://sentry.io/devdocs/devdocs-js/) for new JS errors once the deploy is done.
- If you're deploying server changes, monitor New Relic (accessible through [the Heroku dashboard](https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/devdocs)) for Ruby exceptions and throughput or response time changes once the deploy is done.
If any issue arises, run `heroku rollback` to rollback to the previous version of the app (this can also be done via Heroku's UI). Note that this will not revert changes made to documentation files that were uploaded via `thor docs:upload`. Try and fix the issue as quickly as possible, then re-deploy the app. Reach out to other maintainers if you need help.
If this is your first deploy, make sure another maintainer is around to assist.
## List of maintainers
- [Jed Fox](https://github.com/j-f1)
- [Jasper van Merle](https://github.com/jmerle)
- [Ahmad Abdolsaheb](https://github.com/ahmadabdolsaheb)
- [Mrugesh Mohapatra](https://github.com/raisedadead)
- [Thibaut Courouble](https://github.com/thibaut)
Interested in helping maintain DevDocs? Come talk to us on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/FreeCodeCamp/DevDocs) :)
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
**Table of contents:**
* [Overview](#overview)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Attributes](#attributes)
- [Filter stacks](#filter-stacks)
- [Filter options](#filter-options)
## Overview
Starting from a root URL, scrapers recursively follow links that match a set of rules, passing each valid response through a chain of filters before writing the file on the local filesystem. They also create an index of the pages' metadata (determined by one filter), which is dumped into a JSON file at the end.
Scrapers rely on the following libraries:
* [Typhoeus](https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus) for making HTTP requests
* [HTML::Pipeline](https://github.com/jch/html-pipeline) for applying filters
* [Nokogiri](http://nokogiri.org/) for parsing HTML
There are currently two kinds of scrapers: [`UrlScraper`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/scrapers/url_scraper.rb) which downloads files via HTTP and [`FileScraper`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/scrapers/file_scraper.rb) which reads them from the local filesystem. They function almost identically (both use URLs), except that `FileScraper` substitutes the base URL with a local path before reading a file. `FileScraper` uses the placeholder `localhost` base URL by default and includes a filter to remove any URL pointing to it at the end.
To be processed, a response must meet the following requirements:
* 200 status code
* HTML content type
* effective URL (after redirection) contained in the base URL (explained below)
(`FileScraper` only checks if the file exists and is not empty.)
Each URL is requested only once (case-insensitive).
## Configuration
Configuration is done via class attributes and divided into three main categories:
* [Attributes](#attributes) — essential information such as name, version, URL, etc.
* [Filter stacks](#filter-stacks) — the list of filters that will be applied to each page.
* [Filter options](#filter-options) — the options passed to said filters.
**Note:** scrapers are located in the [`lib/docs/scrapers`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/tree/master/lib/docs/scrapers/) directory. The class's name must be the [CamelCase](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/String.html#method-i-camelize) equivalent of the filename.
### Attributes
* `name` [String]
Must be unique.
Defaults to the class's name.
* `slug` [String]
Must be unique, lowercase, and not include dashes (underscores are ok).
Defaults to `name` lowercased.
* `type` [String] **(required, inherited)**
Defines the CSS class name (`_[type]`) and custom JavaScript class (`app.views.[Type]Page`) that will be added/loaded on each page. Documentations sharing a similar structure (e.g. generated with the same tool or originating from the same website) should use the same `type` to avoid duplicating the CSS and JS.
Must include lowercase letters only.
* `release` [String] **(required)**
The version of the software at the time the scraper was last run. This is only informational and doesn't affect the scraper's behavior.
* `base_url` [String] **(required in `UrlScraper`)**
The documents' location. Only URLs _inside_ the `base_url` will be scraped. "inside" more or less means "starting with" except that `/docs` is outside `/doc` (but `/doc/` is inside).
Defaults to `localhost` in `FileScraper`. _(Note: any iframe, image, or skipped link pointing to localhost will be removed by the `CleanLocalUrls` filter; the value should be overridden if the documents are available online.)_
Unless `root_path` is set, the root/initial URL is equal to `base_url`.
* `root_path` [String] **(inherited)**
The path from the `base_url` of the root URL.
* `initial_paths` [Array] **(inherited)**
A list of paths (from the `base_url`) to add to the initial queue. Useful for scraping isolated documents.
Defaults to `[]`. _(Note: the `root_path` is added to the array at runtime.)_
* `dir` [String] **(required, `FileScraper` only)**
The absolute path where the files are located on the local filesystem.
_Note: `FileScraper` works exactly like `UrlScraper` (manipulating the same kind of URLs) except that it substitutes `base_url` with `dir` in order to read files instead of making HTTP requests._
* `params` [Hash] **(inherited, `UrlScraper` only)**
Query string parameters to append to every URL. (e.g. `{ format: 'raw' }` → `?format=raw`)
Defaults to `{}`.
* `abstract` [Boolean]
Make the scraper abstract / not runnable. Used for sharing behavior with other scraper classes (e.g. all MDN scrapers inherit from the abstract [`Mdn`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/scrapers/mdn/mdn.rb) class).
Defaults to `false`.
### Filter stacks
Each scraper has two [filter](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/filter.rb) [stacks](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/core/filter_stack.rb): `html_filters` and `text_filters`. They are combined into a pipeline (using the [HTML::Pipeline](https://github.com/jch/html-pipeline) library) which causes each filter to hand its output to the next filter's input.
HTML filters are executed first and manipulate a parsed version of the document (a [Nokogiri](http://nokogiri.org/Nokogiri/XML/Node.html) node object), whereas text filters manipulate the document as a string. This separation avoids parsing the document multiple times.
Filter stacks are like sorted sets. They can modified using the following methods:
push(*names) # append one or more filters at the end
insert_before(index, *names) # insert one filter before another (index can be a name)
insert_after(index, *names) # insert one filter after another (index can be a name)
replace(index, name) # replace one filter with another (index can be a name)
"names" are `require` paths relative to `Docs` (e.g. `jquery/clean_html` → `Docs::Jquery::CleanHtml`).
Default `html_filters`:
* [`ContainerFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/container.rb) — changes the root node of the document (remove everything outside)
* [`CleanHtmlFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/clean_html.rb) — removes HTML comments, `<script>`, `<style>`, etc.
* [`NormalizeUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/normalize_urls.rb) — replaces all URLs with their fully qualified counterpart
* [`InternalUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/internal_urls.rb) — detects internal URLs (the ones to scrape) and replaces them with their unqualified, relative counterpart
* [`NormalizePathsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/normalize_paths.rb) — makes the internal paths consistent (e.g. always end with `.html`)
* [`CleanLocalUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/clean_local_urls.rb) — removes links, iframes and images pointing to localhost (`FileScraper` only)
Default `text_filters`:
* [`InnerHtmlFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/inner_html.rb) — converts the document to a string
* [`CleanTextFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/clean_text.rb) — removes empty nodes
* [`AttributionFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/attribution.rb) — appends the license info and link to the original document
* [`TitleFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/title.rb) is a core HTML filter, disabled by default, which prepends the document with a title (`<h1>`).
* [`EntriesFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/entries.rb) is an abstract HTML filter that each scraper must implement and responsible for extracting the page's metadata.
### Filter options
The filter options are stored in the `options` Hash. The Hash is inheritable (a recursive copy) and empty by default.
More information about how filters work is available on the [Filter Reference](./filter-reference.md) page.
* [`ContainerFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/container.rb)
- `:container` [String or Proc]
A CSS selector of the container element. Everything outside of it will be removed and become unavailable to the other filters. If more than one element match the selector, the first one inside the DOM is used. If no elements match the selector, an error is raised.
If the value is a Proc, it is called for each page with the filter instance as argument, and should return a selector or `nil`.
The default container is the `<body>` element.
_Note: links outside of the container element will not be followed by the scraper. To remove links that should be followed, use a [`CleanHtml`](./filter-reference.md#cleanhtmlfilter) filter later in the stack._
* [`NormalizeUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/normalize_urls.rb)
The following options are used to modify URLs in the pages. They are useful to remove duplicates (when the same page is accessible from multiple URLs) and fix websites that have a bunch of redirections in place (when URLs that should be scraped, aren't, because they are behind a redirection which is outside of the `base_url` — see the MDN scrapers for examples of this).
- `:replace_urls` [Hash]
Replaces all instances of a URL with another.
Format: `{ 'original_url' => 'new_url' }`
- `:replace_paths` [Hash]
Replaces all instances of a sub-path (path from the `base_url`) with another.
Format: `{ 'original_path' => 'new_path' }`
- `:fix_urls` [Proc]
Called with each URL. If the returned value is `nil`, the URL isn't modified. Otherwise the returned value is used as replacement.
_Note: before these rules are applied, all URLs are converted to their fully qualified counterpart (http://...)._
* [`InternalUrlsFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/internal_urls.rb)
Internal URLs are the ones _inside_ the scraper's `base_url` ("inside" more or less means "starting with", except that `/docs` is outside `/doc`). They will be scraped unless excluded by one of the following rules. All internal URLs are converted to relative URLs inside the pages.
- `:skip_links` [Boolean or Proc]
If `false`, does not convert or follow any internal URL (creating a single-page documentation).
If the value is a Proc, it is called for each page with the filter instance as argument.
- `:follow_links` [Proc]
Called for page with the filter instance as argument. If the returned value is `false`, does not add internal URLs to the queue.
- `:trailing_slash` [Boolean]
If `true`, adds a trailing slash to all internal URLs. If `false`, removes it.
This is another option used to remove duplicate pages.
- `:skip` [Array]
Ignores internal URLs whose sub-paths (path from the `base_url`) are in the Array (case-insensitive).
- `:skip_patterns` [Array]
Ignores internal URLs whose sub-paths match any Regexp in the Array.
- `:only` [Array]
Ignores internal URLs whose sub-paths aren't in the Array (case-insensitive) and don't match any Regexp in `:only_patterns`.
- `:only_patterns` [Array]
Ignores internal URLs whose sub-paths don't match any Regexp in the Array and aren't in `:only`.
If the scraper has a `root_path`, the empty and `/` paths are automatically skipped.
If `:only` or `:only_patterns` is set, the root path is automatically added to `:only`.
_Note: pages can be excluded from the index based on their content using the [`Entries`](./filter-reference.md#entriesfilter) filter. However, their URLs will still be converted to relative in the other pages and trying to open them will return a 404 error. Although not ideal, this is often better than having to maintain a long list of `:skip` URLs._
* [`AttributionFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/attribution.rb)
- `:attribution` [String] **(required)**
An HTML string with the copyright and license information. See the other scrapers for examples.
* [`TitleFilter`](https://github.com/Thibaut/devdocs/blob/master/lib/docs/filters/core/title.rb)
- `:title` [String or Boolean or Proc]
Unless the value is `false`, adds a title to every page.
If the value is `nil`, the title is the name of the page as determined by the [`Entries`](./filter-reference.md#entriesfilter) filter. Otherwise the title is the String or the value returned by the Proc (called for each page, with the filter instance as argument). If the Proc returns `nil` or `false`, no title is added.
- `:root_title` [String or Boolean]
Overrides the `:title` option for the root page only.
_Note: this filter is disabled by default._
## Keeping scrapers up-to-date
In order to keep scrapers up-to-date the `get_latest_version(opts)` method should be overridden. If `self.release` is defined, this should return the latest version of the documentation. If `self.release` is not defined, it should return the Epoch time when the documentation was last modified. If the documentation will never change, simply return `1.0.0`. The result of this method is periodically reported in a "Documentation versions report" issue which helps maintainers keep track of outdated documentations.
To make life easier, there are a few utility methods that you can use in `get_latest_version`:
* `fetch(url, opts)`
Makes a GET request to the url and returns the response body.
Example: [lib/docs/scrapers/bash.rb](../lib/docs/scrapers/bash.rb)
* `fetch_doc(url, opts)`
Makes a GET request to the url and returns the HTML body converted to a Nokogiri document.
Example: [lib/docs/scrapers/git.rb](../lib/docs/scrapers/git.rb)
* `fetch_json(url, opts)`
Makes a GET request to the url and returns the JSON body converted to a dictionary.
Example: [lib/docs/scrapers/mdn/mdn.rb](../lib/docs/scrapers/mdn/mdn.rb)
* `get_npm_version(package, opts)`
Returns the latest version of the given npm package.
Example: [lib/docs/scrapers/bower.rb](../lib/docs/scrapers/bower.rb)
* `get_latest_github_release(owner, repo, opts)`
Returns the tag name of the latest GitHub release of the given repository. If the tag name is preceded by a "v", the "v" will be removed.
Example: [lib/docs/scrapers/jsdoc.rb](../lib/docs/scrapers/jsdoc.rb)
* `get_github_tags(owner, repo, opts)`
Returns the list of tags on the given repository ([format](https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-tags)).
Example: [lib/docs/scrapers/liquid.rb](../lib/docs/scrapers/liquid.rb)
* `get_github_file_contents(owner, repo, path, opts)`
Returns the contents of the requested file in the default branch of the given repository.
Example: [lib/docs/scrapers/minitest.rb](../lib/docs/scrapers/minitest.rb)
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module Docs
class Composer
class CleanHtmlFilter < Filter
def call
# Remove unneeded elements
css('#searchbar, .toc, .fork-and-edit, .anchor').remove
# Fix the home page titles
if subpath == ''
css('h1').each do |node|
node.name = 'h2'
# Add a main title before the first subtitle
# Code blocks
css('pre').each do |node|
code = node.at_css('code[class]')
unless code.nil?
node['data-language'] = 'javascript' if code['class'].include?('javascript')
node['data-language'] = 'php' if code['class'].include?('php')
node.content = node.content.strip
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Docs
class Composer
class EntriesFilter < Docs::EntriesFilter
def get_name
title = at_css('h1').content
title = "#{Integer(subpath[1]) + 1}. #{title}" if type == 'Book'
def get_type
return 'Articles' if subpath.start_with?('articles/')
def additional_entries
entries = []
if subpath == '04-schema.md' # JSON Schema
css('h3').each do |node|
name = node.content.strip
name.remove!(' (root-only)')
entries << [name, node['id'], 'JSON Schema']
if subpath == '06-config.md' # Composer config
css('h2').each do |node|
entries << [node.content.strip, node['id'], 'Configuration Options']
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Docs
class Cypress
class CleanHtmlFilter < Filter
def call
article_div = at_css('#article > div')
@doc = article_div unless article_div.nil?
header = at_css('h1.article-title')
doc.prepend_child(header) unless header.nil?
css('pre').each do |node|
node.content = node.content
node['data-language'] = 'javascript'
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Docs
class Cypress
class EntriesFilter < Docs::EntriesFilter
def get_name
def get_type
path = context[:url].path
SECTIONS.each do |section|
if path.match?("/#{section}/")
return section.split('-').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')
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