<pclass="_note"><strong>Note:</strong>yourbrowsermaydeleteDevDocs's offline data if your computer is running low on disk space and you haven'tusedtheappinawhile.Loadthispagebeforegoingofflinetomakesurethedataisstillthere.
Theappalsouses<ahref="https://devdocs.io/dom/service_worker_api/using_service_workers">ServiceWorkers</a> and <a href="https://devdocs.io/dom/web_storage_api">localStorage</a> to cache the assets and index files.
<dd>You'll see outdated content and some pages will be missing or broken, because the rest of the app (including data for the search and sidebar) uses a different caching mechanism that'supdatedautomatically.
""" Yes! Even offline, you can open a new tab, go to <a href="//devdocs.io">devdocs.io</a>, and everything will work as if you were online (provided you installed all the documentations you want to use beforehand). """
reason = "are disabled in your development instance of DevDocs (enable them by setting the <code>ENABLE_SERVICE_WORKERS</code> environment variable to <code>true</code>)"