
48 lines
2.2 KiB

12 years ago
error = (title, text = '', links = '') ->
text = """<p class="_error-text">#{text}</p>""" if text
links = """<p class="_error-links">#{links}</p>""" if links
"""<div class="_error"><h1 class="_error-title">#{title}</h1>#{text}#{links}</div>"""
back = '<a href="javascript:history.back()" class="_error-link">Go back</a>'
app.templates.notFoundPage = ->
error """ Oops, that page doesn't exist. """,
""" It may be missing from the source documentation or this could be a bug. """,
app.templates.pageLoadError = ->
error """ Oops, that page failed to load. """,
""" It may be missing from the server (try reloading the app) or you could be offline.<br>
12 years ago
If you keep seeing this, you're likely behind a proxy or firewall which blocks cross-domain requests. """,
""" #{back} &middot; <a href="/##{location.pathname}" target="_top" class="_error-link">Reload</a>
&middot; <a href="#" class="_error-link" data-retry>Retry</a> """
12 years ago
app.templates.bootError = ->
error """ Oops, the app failed to load. """,
""" Check your Internet connection and try <a href="javascript:location.reload()">reloading</a>.<br>
If you keep seeing this, you're likely behind a proxy or firewall that blocks cross-domain requests. """
app.templates.unsupportedBrowser = """
<div class="_fail">
<h1 class="_fail-title">Your browser is unsupported, sorry.</h1>
<p class="_fail-text">DevDocs is an API documentation browser which supports the following browsers:
<ul class="_fail-list">
<li>Recent versions of Chrome and Firefox
12 years ago
<li>Safari 5.1+
<li>Opera 12.1+
<li>Internet Explorer 10+
<li>iOS 6+
<li>Android 4.1+
<li>Windows Phone 8+
<p class="_fail-text">
If you're unable to upgrade, I apologize.
I decided to prioritize speed and new features over support for older browsers.
<p class="_fail-text">
Note: if you're already using one of the browsers above, check your settings and add-ons.
The app uses feature detection, not user agent sniffing.
12 years ago
<p class="_fail-text">
&mdash; Thibaut <a href="" class="_fail-link">@DevDocs</a>
12 years ago