"text":"Fixed several bugs, added an option to automatically download documentation and <a href=\"https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+sort%3Aupdated-desc+closed%3A%3E2019-07-18+977+988+986+870+886+1024+979+975+941+831+1005+848+942\" target=\"_blank\">more</a>."
"text":"Replaced the AppCache with a Service Worker (which makes DevDocs an installable PWA) and fixed layout preferences on Firefox."
"text":"DevDocs is joining the freeCodeCamp community. Read the announcement <a href=\"https://medium.freecodecamp.org/devdocs-is-joining-the-freecodecamp-community-ae185a1c14a6\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>."
"text":"Added search aliases (e.g. <code class=\"_label\">$</code> is an alias for <code class=\"_label\">jQuery</code>).\n<a href=\"/help#aliases\">Click here</a> to see the full list. Feel free to suggest more on <a href=\"https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/issues/new\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">GitHub</a>.\nAdded <code class=\"_label\">shift + ↓/↑</code> shortcut for scrolling (same as <code class=\"_label\">alt + ↓/↑</code>)."
"text":"DevDocs is now available as a <a href=\"https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/devdocs/\">Firefox web app</a>."
"text":"Added <code class=\"_label\">alt + g</code> shortcut for searching on Google.\nAdded <code class=\"_label\">alt + r</code> shortcut for revealing the current page in the sidebar."
"text":"DevDocs is now <a href=\"https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs\">open source</a>."
"text":"DevDocs is now available as a <a href=\"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/devdocs/mnfehgbmkapmjnhcnbodoamcioleeooe\">Chrome web app</a>."
"text":"You can now customize the list of documentations.\nNew docs will be hidden by default, but you'll see a notification when there are new releases.\nNew <a href=\"/http/\">HTTP</a> documentation"
"text":"URL search now works with single documentations: <a href=\"/#q=js%20sort\">devdocs.io/#q=js sort</a>"
"text":"You can now search specific documentations.\nSimply type the documentation's name and press <code class=\"_label\">Tab</code>.\nThe name is fuzzy matched so you can use abbreviations like <code>js</code> for <code>JavaScript</code>."
"text":"Improved search with fuzzy matching and better results\nFor example, searching <code>jqmka</code> now returns <code>jQuery.makeArray()</code>.\nDevDocs finally has an icon.\n<code class=\"_label\">space</code> has replaced <code class=\"_label\">alt + space</code> for scrolling down."
"text":"DevDocs now includes almost all reference documents available on the Mozilla Developer Network.\nBig thank you to Mozilla and all the people that contributed to MDN.\nImplemented URL search: <a href=\"/#q=sort\">devdocs.io/#q=sort</a>"
"text":"DevDocs made the front page of Hacker News!\nHi everyone — thanks for trying DevDocs.\nPlease bear with me while I fix bugs and scramble to add more docs.\nThis is only v1. There's a lot more to come."