You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
5.2 KiB

12 years ago
module Docs
class Php < FileScraper
# WARNING: if you are the kind of developer who likes to automate things,
# this scraper will hurt your feelings. = 'PHP'
self.type = 'php'
self.version = 'up to 5.5.4'
self.base_url = ''
self.root_path = 'extensions.alphabetical.html'
# Downloaded from
self.dir = '/Users/Thibaut/DevDocs/Docs/PHP'
html_filters.push 'php/entries', 'php/clean_html', 'title'
text_filters.push 'php/fix_urls'
options[:title] = false
options[:root_title] = 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'
options[:only] = [] # using a whitelist
options[:only_patterns] = [/\Afunction\.\w+\.html\z/,
/\Areserved\.exceptions/, /\Areserved\.interfaces/,
/\Areserved\.variables/, /\Acontrol\-structures/]
# TODO: MongoDB, Phar
BOOKS = %w(amqp apache apc array bc bzip2 calendar classkit classobj com
ctype curl datetime dba dir dom eio errorfunc exec fileinfo filesystem
filter ftp funchand gearman geoip gettext gmagick hash http iconv iisfunc
image imagick imap info inotify intl json ldap libevent libxml mail
mailparse math mbstring mcrypt memcached misc mysqli network oauth
openssl outcontrol password pcre pdo pgsql posix pthreads quickhash
readline regex runkit reflection session session-pgsql simplexml soap
sockets solr sphinx spl spl-types sqlite3 sqlsrv ssh2 stats stream
strings taint tidy url v8js var varnish weakref xml xmlreader xmlrpc
xmlwriter xsl yaf yaml zip zlib uodbc)
options[:only].concat { |s| "book.#{s}.html" }
options[:only_patterns].concat { |s| /\Afunction\.#{s}(?:\.|\-)/ }
CLASSES = %w(apciterator curlfile dateinterval dateperiod collator
numberformatter locale normalizer messageformatter resourcebundle
spoofchecker transliterator uconverter memcached thread worker stackable
mutex cond runkit reflector sessionhandler sessionhandlerinterface
sphinxclient countable arrayobject streamwrapper xmlreader xsltprocessor
ziparchive exception errorexception)
options[:only].concat { |s| "class.#{s}.html" }
options[:only_patterns].concat { |s| /\A#{s}\./ }
FUNCTION_PREFIXES = %w(assert base base64 cal call chunk class cli
connection convert count create date debug define disk dns easter ereg
eregi error event file finfo forward func gc gd get grapheme halt header
headers highlight html http idn iis in inet ini is iterator magic mb md5
mdecrypt memory mime move mt nl ob output parse pg php preg print proc
quoted realpath register restore set sha1 shell show stream socket spl
str sys tidy time timezone unregister use utf8 variant xml)
options[:only_patterns].concat { |s| /\Afunction\.#{s}\-/ }
FUNCTIONS = %w(trigger-error user-error require-once include-once)
options[:only].concat { |s| "function.#{s}.html" }
options[:only_patterns].concat [
/\Aclass\.amqp/, /\Aamqp/,
/\Aclass\.datetime/, /\Adatetime/,
/\Aclass\.dom/, /\Adom/,
/\Aclass\.gearman/, /\Agearman/,
/\Aclass\.gmagick/, /\Agmagick/,
/\Aclass\.http/, /\Ahttp/,
/\Aclass\.imagick/, /\Aimagick/,
/\Aclass\.intl/, /\Aintl/,
/\Aclass\.json/, /\Ajson/,
/\Aclass\.mysqli/, /\Amysqli/,
/\Aclass\.oauth/, /\Aoauth/,
/\Aclass\.pdo/, /\Apdo/,
/\Aclass\.quickhash/, /\Aquickhash/,
/\Aclass\.reflection/, /\Areflection/,
/\Aclass\.simplexml/, /\Asimplexml/,
/\Aclass\.soap/, /\Asoap/,
/\Aclass\.solr/, /\Asolr/,
/\Aclass\.spl/, /\Aspl/,
/\Aclass\.sqlite3/, /\Asqlite3/,
/\Aclass\.tidy/, /\Atidy/,
/\Aclass\.v8js/, /\Av8js/,
/\Aclass\.varnish/, /\Avarnish/,
/\Aclass\.weak/, /\Aweak/,
/\Aclass\.yaf\-/, /\Ayaf\-/]
options[:skip_patterns] = [/example/, /quickstart/, /\.setup\.html\z/,
/\.overview\.html\z/, /\.requirements\.html\z/, /\.installation\.html\z/,
/\.install\.html\z/, /\.configuration\.html\z/, /\.resources\.html\z/,
/\.constants\.html\z/, /\Amysqlinfo/, /\Adatetime\.formats/]
options[:skip] = %w(control-structures.intro.html
control-structures.alternative-syntax.html memcached.expiration.html
memcached.callbacks.html memcached.callbacks.result.html memcached.sessions.html
mysqli.persistconns.html mysqli.notes.html mysqli.summary.html
pdo.connections.html pdo.transactions.html pdo.prepared-statements.html
pdo.error-handling.html pdo.lobs.htm pdo.drivers.html
reflection.extending.html http.request.options.html
class.lapackexception.html class.snmpexception.html function.mhash.html
spl.datastructures.html spl.iterators.html spl.interfaces.html
spl.exceptions.html spl.files.html spl.misc.html)
options[:attribution] = <<-HTML.strip_heredoc
&copy; 1997&ndash;2013 The PHP Documentation Group<br>
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License v3.0 or later.