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12 years ago
error = (title, text = '', links = '') ->
text = """<p class="_error-text">#{_ text}</p>""" if text
links = """<p class="_error-links">#{_ links}</p>""" if links
"""<div class="_error"><h1 class="_error-title">#{_ title}</h1>#{text}#{links}</div>"""
12 years ago
back = -> "<a href='#' data-behavior='back' class='_error-link'>#{_ en: "Go back", ja: "戻る"}</a>"
12 years ago
app.templates.notFoundPage = ->
en: """ Page not found. """
ja: """ ページが見つかりません。 """,
en: """ It may be missing from the source documentation or this could be a bug. """
ja: """ ドキュメントソースを誤っているか、バグかもしれません。 """,
12 years ago
app.templates.pageLoadError = ->
en: """ The page failed to load. """
ja: """ ページの読み込みが失敗しました。 """
en: """ It may be missing from the server (try reloading the app) or you could be offline.<br>
If you keep seeing this, you're likely behind a proxy or firewall that blocks cross-domain requests. """
ja: """ サーバーを誤っています。(アプリを再度読み込んでください)または、オフラインです。<br>
<a href="/##{location.pathname}" target="_top" class="_error-link">
#{_ en: "Reload", ja: "再読み込み"}
<a href="#" class="_error-link" data-retry>Retry</a>
12 years ago
app.templates.bootError = ->
en: """ The app failed to load. """
ja: """ アプリの読み込みに失敗しました。 """
en: """ Check your Internet connection and try <a href="#" data-behavior="reload">reloading</a>.<br>
If you keep seeing this, you're likely behind a proxy or firewall that blocks cross-domain requests. """
ja: """ インターネット接続を確認してください。<a href="#" data-behavior="reload">再読み込み</a>してください。<br>
12 years ago
app.templates.offlineError = (reason, exception) ->
if reason is 'cookie_blocked'
return error(
en: """ Cookies must be enabled to use offline mode. """
ja: """ オフラインモードを使用してクッキーを有効にする必要があります。 """
reason = switch reason
when 'not_supported'
en: """ DevDocs requires IndexedDB to cache documentations for offline access.<br>
Unfortunately your browser either doesn't support IndexedDB or doesn't make it available. """
ja: """DevDocsはオフラインアクセスのために、IndexedDBにキャッシュすることを要求しています。<br>
when 'buggy'
en: """ DevDocs requires IndexedDB to cache documentations for offline access.<br>
Unfortunately your browser's implementation of IndexedDB contains bugs that prevent DevDocs from using it. """
ja: """ DevDocsはオフラインアクセスのために、IndexedDBにキャッシュすることを要求しています。<br>
使IndexedDB contains"""
when 'private_mode'
en: """ Your browser appears to be running in private mode.<br>
This prevents DevDocs from caching documentations for offline access."""
ja: """ ブラウザのプライベートモードで表示しています。<br>
when 'exception', 'cant_open'
en: """ An error occurred when trying to open the IndexedDB database:<br>
<code class="_label">#{}: #{exception.message}</code>
#{if reason is 'cant_open' then """<br>
This could be because you're browsing in private mode or have disallowed offline storage on the domain.
""" else ''} """
ja: """ IndexDBデータベースを開く際にエラーが起きています:<br>
<code class="_label">#{}: #{exception.message}</code>
#{if reason is 'cant_open' then """<br>
""" else ''} """
when 'version'
en: """ The IndexedDB database was modified with a newer version of the app.<br>
<a href="#" data-behavior="reload">Reload the page</a> to use offline mode. """
ja: """ IndexedDBデータベースはアプリの新しいバージョンに修正されています。<br>
<a href="#" data-behavior="reload"></a> 使 """
when 'empty'
en: """ The IndexedDB database appears to be corrupted. Try <a href="#" data-behavior="reset">resetting the app</a>. """
ja: """IndexedDBデータベースに誤りがあります。 <a href="#" data-behavior="reset">アプリをリセット</a>してみてください。 """
error "Offline mode is unavailable.", reason
app.templates.unsupportedBrowser =
en: """
<div class="_fail">
<h1 class="_fail-title">Your browser is unsupported, sorry.</h1>
<p class="_fail-text">DevDocs is an API documentation browser which supports the following browsers:
<ul class="_fail-list">
<li>Recent versions of Chrome and Firefox
<li>Safari 5.1+
<li>Opera 12.1+
<li>Internet Explorer 10+
<li>iOS 6+
<li>Android 4.1+
<li>Windows Phone 8+
<p class="_fail-text">
If you're unable to upgrade, I apologize.
I decided to prioritize speed and new features over support for older browsers.
<p class="_fail-text">
Note: if you're already using one of the browsers above, check your settings and add-ons.
The app uses feature detection, not user agent sniffing.
<p class="_fail-text">
&mdash; Thibaut <a href="" class="_fail-link">@DevDocs</a>
ja: """
<div class="_fail">
<h1 class="_fail-title">使</h1>
<p class="_fail-text">DevDocs:
<ul class="_fail-list">
<li>Chrome Firefox 
<li>Safari 5.1
<li>Opera 12.1 
<li>Internet Explorer 10 
<li>iOS 6
<li>Android 4.1
<li>Windows Phone 8 
<p class="_fail-text">
<p class="_fail-text">
<p class="_fail-text">
&mdash; Thibaut <a href="" class="_fail-link">@DevDocs</a>