templates = app . templates
templates.sidebarDoc = (doc, options = {}) ->
link = """ <a href= " #{ doc . fullPath ( ) } " class= " _list-item _icon- #{ doc . slug } """
link += if options . disabled then ' _list-disabled ' else ' _list-dir '
link += """ " data-slug= " #{ doc . slug } " > """
link += """ <span class= " _list-arrow " ></span> """ unless options . disabled
link += """ <span class= " _list-count " > #{ doc . version } </span> """ if doc . version
link + " #{ doc . name } </a> "
templates.sidebarType = (type) ->
""" <a href= " #{ type . fullPath ( ) } " class= " _list-item _list-dir " data-slug= " #{ type . slug } " ><span class= " _list-arrow " ></span><span class= " _list-count " > #{ type . count } </span> #{ type . name } </a> """
templates.sidebarEntry = (entry) ->
""" <a href= " #{ entry . fullPath ( ) } " class= " _list-item _list-hover " > #{ $ . escape entry . name } </a> """
templates.sidebarResult = (entry) ->
""" <a href= " #{ entry . fullPath ( ) } " class= " _list-item _list-hover _list-result _icon- #{ entry . doc . slug } " ><span class= " _list-reveal " data-reset-list title= " Reveal in list " ></span> #{ $ . escape entry . name } </a> """
templates.sidebarNoResults = ->
info = if app . isSingleDoc ( ) or app . disabledDocs . isEmpty ( ) then ' ' else """
< span class = " _list-noresults-note " > Note: documentations must be < a class = " _list-noresults-link " data - pick - docs > enabled < / a > to appear in the search . < / span >
""" <div class= " _list-noresults " >No results. #{ info } </div> """
templates.sidebarPageLink = (count) ->
""" <span class= " _list-item _list-pagelink " >Show more \u 2026 ( #{ count } )</span> """
templates.sidebarLabel = (doc, options = {}) ->
label = """ <label class= " _list-item _list-label _icon- #{ doc . slug } """
label += ' _list-label-off ' unless options . checked
label += """ " ><input type= " checkbox " name= " #{ doc . slug } " class= " _list-checkbox " """
label += ' checked ' if options . checked
label + " > #{ doc . name } </label> "
templates.sidebarDisabledList = (options) ->
""" <div class= " _disabled-list " > #{ templates . render ' sidebarDoc ' , options . docs , disabled: true } </div> """
templates.sidebarDisabled = (options) ->
""" <h6 class= " _list-title " ><span class= " _list-arrow " ></span>Disabled ( #{ options . count } )</h6> """
templates.sidebarVote = ' <a href= " https://trello.com/b/6BmTulfx/devdocs-documentation " class= " _list-link " target= " _blank " >Vote for new documentation</a> '
sidebarFooter = (html) -> """ <div class= " _sidebar-footer " > #{ html } </div> """
templates.sidebarSettings = ->
sidebarFooter """ <a class= " _sidebar-footer-link _sidebar-footer-edit " data-pick-docs>Select documentation</a> """
templates.sidebarSave = ->
sidebarFooter """ <a class= " _sidebar-footer-link _sidebar-footer-save " >Save</a> """