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app.templates.settingsPage = (settings) -> """
<h1 class="_lined-heading">Preferences</h1>
<div class="_settings-fieldset">
<h2 class="_settings-legend">General:</h2>
<div class="_settings-inputs">
<label class="_settings-label">
<input type="checkbox" name="dark" value="1"#{if settings.dark then ' checked' else ''}>Enable dark theme
<label class="_settings-label _settings-max-width">
<input type="checkbox" name="layout" value="_max-width"#{if settings['_max-width'] then ' checked' else ''}>Enable fixed-width layout
<label class="_settings-label">
<input type="checkbox" name="layout" value="_sidebar-hidden"#{if settings['_sidebar-hidden'] then ' checked' else ''}>Automatically hide and show the sidebar
<div class="_settings-fieldset">
<h2 class="_settings-legend">Scrolling:</h2>
<div class="_settings-inputs">
<label class="_settings-label">
<input type="checkbox" name="smoothScroll" value="1"#{if settings.smoothScroll then ' checked' else ''}>Use smooth scrolling
<label class="_settings-label">
<input type="checkbox" name="arrowScroll" value="1"#{if settings.arrowScroll then ' checked' else ''}>Use arrow keys to scroll the main content area
<small>With this checked, use <code class="_label">alt</code> + <code class="_label">&uarr;</code><code class="_label">&darr;</code><code class="_label">&larr;</code><code class="_label">&rarr;</code> to navigate the sidebar.</small>
<div class="_settings-fieldset">
<h2 class="_settings-legend">Advanced:</h2>
<div class="_settings-inputs">
<a href="#" class="_settings-link" data-behavior="reset">Reset all settings and data</a>