"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var patternUtils = require("../utils/pattern");
* Generate tasks based on parent directory of each pattern.
function generate(patterns, options) {
var unixPatterns = patterns.map(patternUtils.unixifyPattern);
var unixIgnore = options.ignore.map(patternUtils.unixifyPattern);
var positivePatterns = getPositivePatterns(unixPatterns);
var negativePatterns = getNegativePatternsAsPositive(unixPatterns, unixIgnore);
* When the `case` option is disabled, all patterns must be marked as dynamic, because we cannot check filepath
* directly (without read directory).
var staticPatterns = !options.case ? [] : positivePatterns.filter(patternUtils.isStaticPattern);
var dynamicPatterns = !options.case ? positivePatterns : positivePatterns.filter(patternUtils.isDynamicPattern);
var staticTasks = convertPatternsToTasks(staticPatterns, negativePatterns, /* dynamic */ false);
var dynamicTasks = convertPatternsToTasks(dynamicPatterns, negativePatterns, /* dynamic */ true);
return staticTasks.concat(dynamicTasks);
exports.generate = generate;
* Convert patterns to tasks based on parent directory of each pattern.
function convertPatternsToTasks(positive, negative, dynamic) {
var positivePatternsGroup = groupPatternsByBaseDirectory(positive);
// When we have a global group – there is no reason to divide the patterns into independent tasks.
// In this case, the global task covers the rest.
if ('.' in positivePatternsGroup) {
var task = convertPatternGroupToTask('.', positive, negative, dynamic);
return [task];
return convertPatternGroupsToTasks(positivePatternsGroup, negative, dynamic);
exports.convertPatternsToTasks = convertPatternsToTasks;
* Return only positive patterns.
function getPositivePatterns(patterns) {
return patternUtils.getPositivePatterns(patterns);
exports.getPositivePatterns = getPositivePatterns;
* Return only negative patterns.
function getNegativePatternsAsPositive(patterns, ignore) {
var negative = patternUtils.getNegativePatterns(patterns).concat(ignore);
var positive = negative.map(patternUtils.convertToPositivePattern);
return positive;
exports.getNegativePatternsAsPositive = getNegativePatternsAsPositive;
* Group patterns by base directory of each pattern.
function groupPatternsByBaseDirectory(patterns) {
return patterns.reduce(function (collection, pattern) {
var base = patternUtils.getBaseDirectory(pattern);
if (base in collection) {
else {
collection[base] = [pattern];
return collection;
}, {});
exports.groupPatternsByBaseDirectory = groupPatternsByBaseDirectory;
* Convert group of patterns to tasks.
function convertPatternGroupsToTasks(positive, negative, dynamic) {
return Object.keys(positive).map(function (base) {
return convertPatternGroupToTask(base, positive[base], negative, dynamic);
exports.convertPatternGroupsToTasks = convertPatternGroupsToTasks;
* Create a task for positive and negative patterns.
function convertPatternGroupToTask(base, positive, negative, dynamic) {
return {
base: base,
dynamic: dynamic,
positive: positive,
negative: negative,
patterns: [].concat(positive, negative.map(patternUtils.convertToNegativePattern))
exports.convertPatternGroupToTask = convertPatternGroupToTask;