/* eslint-env mocha */ var assert = require('assert') var https = require('https') var http = require('http') var util = require('util') var fixtures = require('./fixtures') var spdy = require('../') // Node.js 0.10 and 0.12 support Object.assign = process.versions.modules >= 46 ? Object.assign // eslint-disable-next-line : util._extend describe('SPDY Client', function () { describe('regular', function () { fixtures.everyConfig(function (protocol, alpn, version, plain) { var server var agent var hmodule beforeEach(function (done) { hmodule = plain ? http : https var options = Object.assign({ spdy: { plain: plain } }, fixtures.keys) server = spdy.createServer(options, function (req, res) { var body = '' req.on('data', function (chunk) { body += chunk }) req.on('end', function () { res.writeHead(200, req.headers) res.addTrailers({ trai: 'ler' }) var push = res.push('/push', { request: { push: 'yes' } }, function (err) { assert(!err) push.end('push') push.on('error', function () { }) res.end(body || 'okay') }) }) }) server.listen(fixtures.port, function () { agent = spdy.createAgent({ rejectUnauthorized: false, port: fixtures.port, spdy: { plain: plain, protocol: plain ? alpn : null, protocols: [alpn] } }) done() }) }) afterEach(function (done) { var waiting = 2 agent.close(next) server.close(next) function next () { if (--waiting === 0) { done() } } }) it('should send GET request', function (done) { var req = hmodule.request({ agent: agent, method: 'GET', path: '/get', headers: { a: 'b' } }, function (res) { assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200) assert.strictEqual(res.headers.a, 'b') fixtures.expectData(res, 'okay', done) }) req.end() }) it('should send POST request', function (done) { var req = hmodule.request({ agent: agent, method: 'POST', path: '/post', headers: { post: 'headers' } }, function (res) { assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200) assert.strictEqual(res.headers.post, 'headers') fixtures.expectData(res, 'post body', done) }) agent._spdyState.socket.once(plain ? 'connect' : 'secureConnect', function () { req.end('post body') }) }) it('should receive PUSH_PROMISE', function (done) { var req = hmodule.request({ agent: agent, method: 'GET', path: '/get' }, function (res) { assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200) res.resume() }) req.on('push', function (push) { assert.strictEqual(push.path, '/push') assert.strictEqual(push.headers.push, 'yes') push.resume() push.once('end', done) }) req.end() }) it('should receive trailing headers', function (done) { var req = hmodule.request({ agent: agent, method: 'GET', path: '/get' }, function (res) { assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200) res.on('trailers', function (headers) { assert.strictEqual(headers.trai, 'ler') fixtures.expectData(res, 'okay', done) }) }) req.end() }) }) }) describe('x-forwarded-for', function () { fixtures.everyConfig(function (protocol, alpn, version, plain) { var server var agent var hmodule // The underlying spdy Connection created by the agent. var connection beforeEach(function (done) { hmodule = plain ? http : https var options = Object.assign({ spdy: { plain: plain, 'x-forwarded-for': true } }, fixtures.keys) server = spdy.createServer(options, function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, req.headers) res.end() }) server.listen(fixtures.port, function () { agent = spdy.createAgent({ rejectUnauthorized: false, port: fixtures.port, spdy: { 'x-forwarded-for': '', plain: plain, protocol: plain ? alpn : null, protocols: [alpn] } }) // Once aagent has connection, keep a copy for testing. agent.once('_connect', function () { connection = agent._spdyState.connection done() }) }) }) afterEach(function (done) { var waiting = 2 agent.close(next) server.close(next) function next () { if (--waiting === 0) { done() } } }) it('should send x-forwarded-for', function (done) { var req = hmodule.request({ agent: agent, method: 'GET', path: '/get' }, function (res) { assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200) assert.strictEqual(res.headers['x-forwarded-for'], '') res.resume() res.once('end', done) }) req.end() }) it('agent should emit connection level errors', function (done) { agent.once('error', function (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'mock error') done() }) connection.emit('error', new Error('mock error')) }) }) }) })