.logo { vertical-align: bottom; } .alert { padding: 1em; background-color: $colour-alert; } .documentation { .grid { min-height: $grid-min-height; // css hack to target ie10 and ie11 to set an explicit height for the grid // The bug described: https://philipwalton.com/articles/normalizing-cross-browser-flexbox-bugs/ // The CSS hack used: https://philipnewcomer.net/2014/04/target-internet-explorer-10-11-css/ @media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) { height: 600px; } margin-bottom: 4em; // increase bottom argin for presentation purposes background-color: $colour-grid-bg; [class^="#{$reflex-prefix}col-"] { background-color: $colour-col; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 $reflex-grid-spacing $colour-col-padding; } // when a grid is a child of a grid, return bottom margin to original value .grid { margin-bottom: -$reflex-grid-spacing; } } .grid-plain { background-color: transparent; [class^="#{$reflex-prefix}col-"] { background-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; } } .grid-bleed { [class^="#{$reflex-prefix}col-"] { box-shadow: none !important; } } .flex-footer { background-color: $colour-col-footer; } .col-bleed { box-shadow: none !important; } .col-bleed-x { box-shadow: inset 0 $reflex-grid-spacing 0 0 $colour-col-padding, inset 0 -#{$reflex-grid-spacing} 0 0 $colour-col-padding !important; } .col-bleed-y { box-shadow: inset $reflex-grid-spacing 0 0 0 $colour-col-padding, inset -#{$reflex-grid-spacing} 0 0 0 $colour-col-padding !important; } } .examples { .grid { margin-bottom: 4em; // when a grid is a child of a grid, return bottom margin to original value .grid { margin-bottom: -$reflex-grid-spacing; } } }