'use strict' const t = require('tap') const test = t.test const { Hooks } = require('../../lib/hooks') const noop = () => {} test('hooks should have 4 array with the registered hooks', t => { const hooks = new Hooks() t.is(typeof hooks, 'object') t.ok(Array.isArray(hooks.onRequest)) t.ok(Array.isArray(hooks.onSend)) t.ok(Array.isArray(hooks.preParsing)) t.ok(Array.isArray(hooks.preValidation)) t.ok(Array.isArray(hooks.preHandler)) t.ok(Array.isArray(hooks.onResponse)) t.ok(Array.isArray(hooks.onError)) t.end() }) test('hooks.add should add a hook to the given hook', t => { const hooks = new Hooks() hooks.add('onRequest', noop) t.is(hooks.onRequest.length, 1) t.is(typeof hooks.onRequest[0], 'function') hooks.add('preParsing', noop) t.is(hooks.preParsing.length, 1) t.is(typeof hooks.preParsing[0], 'function') hooks.add('preValidation', noop) t.is(hooks.preValidation.length, 1) t.is(typeof hooks.preValidation[0], 'function') hooks.add('preHandler', noop) t.is(hooks.preHandler.length, 1) t.is(typeof hooks.preHandler[0], 'function') hooks.add('onResponse', noop) t.is(hooks.onResponse.length, 1) t.is(typeof hooks.onResponse[0], 'function') hooks.add('onSend', noop) t.is(hooks.onSend.length, 1) t.is(typeof hooks.onSend[0], 'function') hooks.add('onError', noop) t.is(hooks.onError.length, 1) t.is(typeof hooks.onError[0], 'function') t.end() }) test('hooks should throw on unexisting handler', t => { t.plan(1) const hooks = new Hooks() try { hooks.add('onUnexistingHook', noop) t.fail() } catch (e) { t.pass() } }) test('should throw on wrong parameters', t => { const hooks = new Hooks() t.plan(4) try { hooks.add(null, noop) t.fail() } catch (e) { t.is(e.code, 'FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_TYPE') t.is(e.message, 'FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_TYPE: The hook name must be a string') } try { hooks.add('', null) t.fail() } catch (e) { t.is(e.code, 'FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_HANDLER') t.is(e.message, 'FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_HANDLER: The hook callback must be a function') } })