'use strict' const { inherits, format } = require('util') const codes = {} /** * Basic */ createError('FST_ERR_NOT_FOUND', 'Not Found', 404) /** * ContentTypeParser */ createError('FST_ERR_CTP_ALREADY_PRESENT', "Content type parser '%s' already present.") createError('FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_TYPE', 'The content type should be a string', 500, TypeError) createError('FST_ERR_CTP_EMPTY_TYPE', 'The content type cannot be an empty string', 500, TypeError) createError('FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_HANDLER', 'The content type handler should be a function', 500, TypeError) createError('FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_PARSE_TYPE', "The body parser can only parse your data as 'string' or 'buffer', you asked '%s' which is not supported.", 500, TypeError) createError('FST_ERR_CTP_BODY_TOO_LARGE', 'Request body is too large', 413, RangeError) createError('FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE', 'Unsupported Media Type: %s', 415) createError('FST_ERR_CTP_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH', 'Request body size did not match Content-Length', 400, RangeError) createError('FST_ERR_CTP_EMPTY_JSON_BODY', "Body cannot be empty when content-type is set to 'application/json'", 400) /** * decorate */ createError('FST_ERR_DEC_ALREADY_PRESENT', "The decorator '%s' has already been added!") createError('FST_ERR_DEC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY', "The decorator is missing dependency '%s'.") createError('FST_ERR_DEC_AFTER_START', "The decorator '%s' has been added after start!") /** * hooks */ createError('FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_TYPE', 'The hook name must be a string', 500, TypeError) createError('FST_ERR_HOOK_INVALID_HANDLER', 'The hook callback must be a function', 500, TypeError) /** * logger */ createError('FST_ERR_LOG_INVALID_DESTINATION', 'Cannot specify both logger.stream and logger.file options') /** * reply */ createError('FST_ERR_REP_INVALID_PAYLOAD_TYPE', "Attempted to send payload of invalid type '%s'. Expected a string or Buffer.", 500, TypeError) createError('FST_ERR_REP_ALREADY_SENT', 'Reply was already sent.') createError('FST_ERR_REP_SENT_VALUE', 'The only possible value for reply.sent is true.') createError('FST_ERR_SEND_INSIDE_ONERR', 'You cannot use `send` inside the `onError` hook') createError('FST_ERR_SEND_UNDEFINED_ERR', 'Undefined error has occured') createError('FST_ERR_BAD_STATUS_CODE', 'Called reply with an invalid status code: %s') /** * schemas */ createError('FST_ERR_SCH_MISSING_ID', 'Missing schema $id property') createError('FST_ERR_SCH_ALREADY_PRESENT', "Schema with id '%s' already declared!") createError('FST_ERR_SCH_NOT_PRESENT', "Schema with id '%s' does not exist!") createError('FST_ERR_SCH_DUPLICATE', "Schema with '%s' already present!") createError('FST_ERR_SCH_BUILD', 'Failed building the schema for %s: %s, due error %s') createError('FST_ERR_SCH_MISSING_COMPILER', 'You must provide a schemaCompiler to route %s %s to use the schemaResolver') /** * wrapThenable */ createError('FST_ERR_PROMISE_NOT_FULLFILLED', "Promise may not be fulfilled with 'undefined' when statusCode is not 204") /** * http2 */ createError('FST_ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_VERSION', 'HTTP2 is available only from node >= 8.8.1') /** * initialConfig */ createError('FST_ERR_INIT_OPTS_INVALID', "Invalid initialization options: '%s'") /** * router */ createError('FST_ERR_BAD_URL', "'%s' is not a valid url component", 400) function createError (code, message, statusCode = 500, Base = Error) { if (!code) throw new Error('Fastify error code must not be empty') if (!message) throw new Error('Fastify error message must not be empty') code = code.toUpperCase() function FastifyError (a, b, c) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, FastifyError) this.name = `FastifyError [${code}]` this.code = code // more performant than spread (...) operator if (a && b && c) { this.message = format(message, a, b, c) } else if (a && b) { this.message = format(message, a, b) } else if (a) { this.message = format(message, a) } else { this.message = message } this.message = `${this.code}: ${this.message}` this.statusCode = statusCode || undefined } FastifyError.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Error' inherits(FastifyError, Base) codes[code] = FastifyError return codes[code] } module.exports = { codes, createError }