
## Benchmarking Benchmarking is important if you want to measure how a change can impact the performance of your application. We provide a simple way to benchmark your application from the point of view of a user and contributor. The setup allows you to automate benchmarks in different branches and on different Node.js versions. The modules we'll use: - [Autocannon]( A HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in node. - [Branch-comparer]( Checkout multiple git branches, execute scripts and log the results. - [Concurrently]( Run commands concurrently. - [Npx]( NPM package runner - We are using it to run scripts against different Node.js Versions and to execute local binaries. Shipped with npm@5.2.0. ## Simple ### Run the test in the current branch ```sh npm run benchmark ``` ### Run the test against different Node.js versions ✨ ```sh npx -p node@6 -- npm run benchmark ``` ## Advanced ### Run the test in different branches ```sh branchcmp --rounds 2 --script "npm run benchmark" ``` ### Run the test in different branches against different Node.js versions ✨ ```sh branchcmp --rounds 2 --script "npm run benchmark" ``` ### Compare current branch with master (Gitflow) ```sh branchcmp --rounds 2 --gitflow --script "npm run benchmark" ``` or ```sh npm run bench ``` ### Run different examples ```sh branchcmp --rounds 2 -s "node ./node_modules/concurrently -k -s first \"node ./examples/asyncawait.js\" \"node ./node_modules/autocannon -c 100 -d 5 -p 10 localhost:3000/\"" ```