var AbstractIterator = require('abstract-leveldown').AbstractIterator var inherits = require('inherits') function DeferredIterator (db, options) {, db) this._options = options this._iterator = null this._operations = [] } inherits(DeferredIterator, AbstractIterator) DeferredIterator.prototype.setDb = function (db) { var it = this._iterator = db.iterator(this._options) this._operations.forEach(function (op) { it[op.method].apply(it, op.args) }) } DeferredIterator.prototype._operation = function (method, args) { if (this._iterator) return this._iterator[method].apply(this._iterator, args) this._operations.push({ method: method, args: args }) } 'next end'.split(' ').forEach(function (m) { DeferredIterator.prototype['_' + m] = function () { this._operation(m, arguments) } }) // Must defer seek() rather than _seek() because it requires db._serializeKey to be available = function () { this._operation('seek', arguments) } module.exports = DeferredIterator