var collectEntries = require('level-concat-iterator') var db function collectBatchOps (batch) { var _put = batch._put var _del = batch._del var _operations = [] if (typeof _put !== 'function' || typeof _del !== 'function') { return batch._operations } batch._put = function (key, value) { _operations.push({ type: 'put', key: key, value: value }) return _put.apply(this, arguments) } batch._del = function (key) { _operations.push({ type: 'del', key: key }) return _del.apply(this, arguments) } return _operations } exports.setUp = function (test, testCommon) { test('setUp common', testCommon.setUp) test('setUp db', function (t) { db = testCommon.factory() }) } exports.args = function (test, testCommon) { test('test batch has db reference', function (t) { t.ok(db.batch().db === db) t.end() }) test('test batch#put() with missing `value`', function (t) { t.plan(1) try { db.batch().put('foo1') } catch (err) {, 'value cannot be `null` or `undefined`', 'correct error message') } }) test('test batch#put() with missing `key`', function (t) { try { db.batch().put(undefined, 'foo1') } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'key cannot be `null` or `undefined`', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#put() with null `key`', function (t) { try { db.batch().put(null, 'foo1') } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'key cannot be `null` or `undefined`', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#put() with missing `key` and `value`', function (t) { try { db.batch().put() } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'key cannot be `null` or `undefined`', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#put() with null or undefined `value`', function (t) { var illegalValues = [null, undefined] t.plan(illegalValues.length) illegalValues.forEach(function (value) { try { db.batch().put('key', value) } catch (err) {, 'value cannot be `null` or `undefined`', 'correct error message') } }) }) test('test batch#del() with missing `key`', function (t) { try { db.batch().del() } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'key cannot be `null` or `undefined`', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#del() with null or undefined `key`', function (t) { var illegalKeys = [null, undefined] t.plan(illegalKeys.length) illegalKeys.forEach(function (key) { try { db.batch().del(key) } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'key cannot be `null` or `undefined`', 'correct error message') } }) }) test('test batch#clear() doesn\'t throw', function (t) { db.batch().clear() t.end() }) test('test batch#write() with no callback', function (t) { try { db.batch().write() } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'write() requires a callback argument', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#put() after write()', function (t) { var batch = db.batch().put('foo', 'bar') batch.write(function () {}) try { batch.put('boom', 'bang') } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'write() already called on this batch', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#del() after write()', function (t) { var batch = db.batch().put('foo', 'bar') batch.write(function () {}) try { batch.del('foo') } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'write() already called on this batch', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#clear() after write()', function (t) { var batch = db.batch().put('foo', 'bar') batch.write(function () {}) try { batch.clear() } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'write() already called on this batch', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test batch#write() after write()', function (t) { var batch = db.batch().put('foo', 'bar') batch.write(function () {}) try { batch.write(function () {}) } catch (err) { t.equal(err.message, 'write() already called on this batch', 'correct error message') return t.end() }'should have thrown') t.end() }) test('test serialize object', function (t) { var batch = db.batch() var ops = collectBatchOps(batch) batch .put({ foo: 'bar' }, { beep: 'boop' }) .del({ bar: 'baz' }) ops.forEach(function (op) { t.ok(op.key, '.key is set for .put and .del operations') if (op.type === 'put') { t.ok(op.value, '.value is set for .put operation') } }) t.end() }) test('test custom _serialize*', function (t) { t.plan(4) var _db = Object.create(db) var batch = _db.batch() var ops = collectBatchOps(batch) _db._serializeKey = function (key) { t.same(key, { foo: 'bar' }) return 'key1' } _db._serializeValue = function (value) { t.same(value, { beep: 'boop' }) return 'value1' } batch.put({ foo: 'bar' }, { beep: 'boop' }) _db._serializeKey = function (key) { t.same(key, { bar: 'baz' }) return 'key2' } batch.del({ bar: 'baz' }) t.deepEqual(ops, [ { type: 'put', key: 'key1', value: 'value1' }, { type: 'del', key: 'key2' } ]) }) test('test batch#write() with no operations', function (t) { var async = false db.batch().write(function (err) { t.ifError(err, 'no error from write()') t.ok(async, 'callback is asynchronous') t.end() }) async = true }) } exports.batch = function (test, testCommon) { test('test basic batch', function (t) { db.batch([ { type: 'put', key: 'one', value: '1' }, { type: 'put', key: 'two', value: '2' }, { type: 'put', key: 'three', value: '3' } ], function (err) { t.error(err) db.batch() .put('1', 'one') .del('2', 'two') .put('3', 'three') .clear() .put('one', 'I') .put('two', 'II') .del('three') .put('foo', 'bar') .write(function (err) { t.error(err) collectEntries( db.iterator({ keyAsBuffer: false, valueAsBuffer: false }), function (err, data) { t.error(err) t.equal(data.length, 3, 'correct number of entries') var expected = [ { key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { key: 'one', value: 'I' }, { key: 'two', value: 'II' } ] t.deepEqual(data, expected) t.end() } ) }) }) }) } exports.tearDown = function (test, testCommon) { test('tearDown', function (t) { db.close(testCommon.tearDown.bind(null, t)) }) } exports.all = function (test, testCommon) { exports.setUp(test, testCommon) exports.args(test, testCommon) exports.batch(test, testCommon) exports.tearDown(test, testCommon) }