import mysql from 'mysql2/promise' import { input, password } from '@inquirer/prompts' import chalk from 'chalk' const log = console.log /** * mariadb-drop.js * * create database and generate name, user, password * and grant this user single priveleges * * */ const user = { name: 'root', password: undefined } log(chalk.cyan('Mariadb drop Database...')) user.password = await password({ message: 'Enter Root Password:', mask: '*', async validate(value) { if (!value) { return 'Required!' } return true } }) const database = await input({ message: 'Database:', async validate(value) { if (!value) { return 'Required!' } return true } }) // create connection, generate name for db and user, and generate password const connection = await mysql.createConnection({ host: 'localhost', user:, password: user.password }) // create database const [results ] = await connection.query("SELECT User FROM mysql.db WHERE Db = '" + database + "'") results.forEach(async (entity) => { await connection.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS '" + entity.User + "'@localhost"); await connection.query("DROP USER IS EXISTS '" + entity.User + "'@'%'"); }) await connection.query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + database); connection.destroy() log('Database ' + database + ' droped!'))